Ummm wtf dude?!?!

Seriously? >:p I ask for sex MAYBE once every 2 months... I'm almost NEVER in the mood, so pretty much this pregnancy sucks ass for him, and he has to beg and beg and I still never cave [-( . And so the ONE TIME I ask for sex... the ONE TIME I'm actually in the mood... And he is home, has NOTHING better to do.... He deny's me???? :O WTF IS THAT SHIT?!?!?! I wanna slap him for it X(


  • He's probably just trying to show you how he's been feeling lately =((
  • edited May 2011
    @booface :( He's not allowed to do that... or feel =(( lol jk but for realssss, he is lucky to get any at all so far this pregnancy cuz all I do during sex is cry cuz the baby sloshes around :0&
  • Awwe that sucks! I don't want any these days either. Ernie is probably seriously developing arthritis LOL! I started messing with him yesterday and thought for sure he was going to tell me to go kick rocks!!!! :-)) But his penis runs the show apparently! He told me later that he should have turned me down, so I could want it more often! LOL! What-the-f*-ever!
  • @sunshinelove I'm thinking its his way of getting back at you for turning him down...if only he realized he screwed himself over too....stupid boys lol
  • xD you guys <3
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