Heading to my official anatomy scan *update*

edited May 2011 in Second Trimester
Please pray some balls magically appear. Still hoping the other 2 ultrasounds were wrong and its a boy. Lol
Fat chance I know.


  • Lol good luck
  • Good luck at your ultrasound hunn ;)
  • LOL about the balls appearing! Good luck and blue dust your way!
  • Good luck!!
  • She doesn't have big balls but she sure as my hubby's big ass nose. My lil Ms Piggy. Lol
  • Awwww, she'll be beautiful, and once your precious little GIRL gets here, you'll never be able to imagine things any other way! Just think about the mommy and daughter manicures, the silly dance sessions, the pretty little summer dresses, the diva attitude that makes you want to laugh out loud.. I have a four year old girl and thought she was a boy when I was prego.. your daughter is going to bring you so much joy.. I promise!
  • @mama2jadieandnick I have a 6 yr old very expensive diva now. I do enjoy her but 2 girls will break the bank. Lol
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