With my first I started leaking around 6 months, understandable I suppose. Im only 16 weeks!!!! What is the deal? Waaay to early to be dealing with this! Anyone else already having to buy breast pads??
I'm just over 27 weeks and I've had no issues, what-so-ever, with milk coming in. This gives me reason to believe that something may be wrong. Everyone that I've talked to says that they have SEVERE breast tenderness throughout a portion of their pregnancy and that they have, at least, some signs of milk coming in...and I've had nothing. I've had a little swelling, here and there, but not enough to effect me, but tenderness? NONE! Should I be worrying, now?
I didn't have anything with my first except my breasts getting bigger but no leakage. @mommysmonkey2011 I wouldn't worry about them. You can ask your doctor to do an exam on your breasts because I know I can at least feel a difference especially around the nipple area. I'm 14 weeks now and I only have nipple tenderness. I'm hoping I don't have leakage this time until I start nursing because that is annoying
The last appointment that I had, he did a breast exam and I noticed a little nipple tenderness, but mine are almost always tender, so for the most part, I've become used to it...so maybe I do have signs that I'm just not noticing. I've had tons of issues with doctors during my pregnancy. I've had 3 different doctors, none of which could tell me how far along I actually am, or whether or not I was on the right track. I was 24 weeks before I had my FIRST U/S...it's been a mess, so I'm finding that I worry over the smallest things. Thanks so much for information, all I can get is helpful. (: