Leaking ALREADY????

edited May 2011 in Second Trimester
With my first I started leaking around 6 months, understandable I suppose. Im only 16 weeks!!!! What is the deal? Waaay to early to be dealing with this! Anyone else already having to buy breast pads??


  • I'm 19 weeks and 4 days and I've been leaking sense I was like 14 weeks...ugh its gross
  • I'm just over 27 weeks and I've had no issues, what-so-ever, with milk coming in. This gives me reason to believe that something may be wrong. Everyone that I've talked to says that they have SEVERE breast tenderness throughout a portion of their pregnancy and that they have, at least, some signs of milk coming in...and I've had nothing. I've had a little swelling, here and there, but not enough to effect me, but tenderness? NONE! Should I be worrying, now?
  • I didn't have anything with my first except my breasts getting bigger but no leakage. @mommysmonkey2011 I wouldn't worry about them. You can ask your doctor to do an exam on your breasts because I know I can at least feel a difference especially around the nipple area. I'm 14 weeks now and I only have nipple tenderness. :/ I'm hoping I don't have leakage this time until I start nursing because that is annoying
  • @monkeysmommy2011 im 16weeks 6days and ive gone up 3 cups sizes already but no leaking
  • The last appointment that I had, he did a breast exam and I noticed a little nipple tenderness, but mine are almost always tender, so for the most part, I've become used to it...so maybe I do have signs that I'm just not noticing. I've had tons of issues with doctors during my pregnancy. I've had 3 different doctors, none of which could tell me how far along I actually am, or whether or not I was on the right track. I was 24 weeks before I had my FIRST U/S...it's been a mess, so I'm finding that I worry over the smallest things. Thanks so much for information, all I can get is helpful. (:
  • I've been leaking since 14wks! I'm 28 wks so I'm very tired of it lol..
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