Hubby doesnt wanna go to Lamaze

So he says he will go if I want him to but he'd rather not. I don't know if I should go alone or take him with. I hate for him to do something he really doesn't want to. During delivery with my DD he was so annoying and I think the class would help him more than me. My mom will be there this time so she can be my partner and he can just shut up and color. Not sure. What do u ladies think?


  • If he's just going to be a pain I would stick with your mom as coach. Unless its really important to you then he can just suck it up tobmske you happy : )
  • I think he should it would be a great experience for u two
  • @beaded_bunny not so important but I would be a lil embarrassed to go to class alone. Mom is flying in a few wks prior so she wont be able to go.

    @preggointx I think so too. He would go and participate if I want. He's far from a ass but it wouldn't feel the same knowing he doesn't want to be there.
  • I told my ex that if he didnt go to the lamaze classes then he wouldnt be in the delivery room. He only went to one and so I called him after I had the baby. It was his choice to make if we wanted to go or not but he knew the consequence. I know its ur hubby and prob don't want to force him out of the delivery but maybe make a different consequence and he can make the decision (sorry men act like children so I treat them as such)
  • Has he said WHY he doesn't want to go? Ultimately, you need to have a coach you're comfortable with and that will make your L&D much easier for you. I say go with what feels right and if you want him to participate in the class, maybe have a heart-to-heart and say you're counting on him during this important time.
  • My hubby went with me to my birthing class and it helped him know what to expect. But he was not a good support system with our first two when labor was bad, my Mom was there during labor and she was much more help. However I would never let him not be in the delivery room. I am hoping this time he will be more help.
  • My husband wasn't excited to go but he really enjoyed all the stuff he learned.

    If he'll participate even if he's not into going, I would ask him too.
  • @saras I think ur right. He probably enjoy it more than expects.
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