
edited February 2011 in Pregnant
IM almost 11 weeks and having severe headaches. Is there anything I can do about them.


  • Yep I have a paper 500 mg is your limit. So not the extreme one but regular tylenol. Tums are safe for heart burn and stuff, so you know
  • My.doc told i can take motrin till am 20 wks cuz am allergic to tylenol after rhat ill have to .get a prescrption
  • Oh girl I know the feeling, I had migraine before I got pregnant, and now they are 100 times worse. I'm 15 weeks and 2days and my doctor has told me since day 1 to get regular strength tylenol and that's allllll you can take! Ihope that helped :)
  • Oh mi gosh I still gt those everyonce in a while and they wnt go away I kno that feeling. ive tried the tylenol n that dosent wrk for me. So I ask mi doctor she said make sure u drink plenty of water n takin ur iron n vitimans that have a big part of it to. Hope u gt better !=)
  • I have been having headaches as well. I never got them before but have had them almost every day since I got pregnant. I'm 15 weeks. Defiantly lots of water and caffine helps too. I've also been told chocolate helps as well. Good luck and if you find some miracle cure let me know because its driving me crazy! Also I'm gonna try the ciropracter. And maybe accupunture if it doesn't ease up soon!
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