A fever means breaking the sickness. Are body raises its temp to kill any virus or bac. Howevere to high of a temp is not good. If it gets around 100 might be best to go to er. Or if ur dr office has a dr or rn on call u could ask them what u should do. They might be open but the voice mail should tell u something or a number to call for after hours.
Go to the er asap...i took my daughter today she had 102 n the had to put ivs on her cuz she.was dyhydrated also wouldnt eat all she did all day was sleep so i took her am glad i did
She's ok. They said she just has a virus that's going on. They kept her over night & now were home & she's sleeping. They gave her some medicine that should help keep her fever down & hopefully stay down. Thank-you everyone for everything