Im not freaking out, but i definitely need some input..

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 34 weeks pregnant and for the past 3 days I've been having period-like cramps. Sometimes there are minor contractions with them, but not enough to hurt. I'm wondering is this is normal around this time, or if I should be on bed rest, cause o don't want him to come early:(


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  • I'm 36 weeks and went to the er last week cause I was having what I thought were braxton hicks (turns out they were contractions). They gave me a perscription to relax the smooth muscles and advised pelvic rest, no bed rest at this time but I have another dr apt the 6th and that might change. I'm scared she's gonna come early too :( try not to worry to much, I hope things get easier for ya mama! Good luck!
  • *correction: 26 weeks..not 36 weeks lol
  • I'm 31 weeks and have been having a lot of cramping. The nurse said its because the baby is so low. I was having contractions but I have really tried to rest more and it seems to be helping. But the cramping is pretty bad today.
  • Thanks ladies, I guess ill just have to wait it out. I hope he does come when he knows the time is right though. Maybe I'm just looking for excuses not to go to

    @momtob oh! Good luck to you too! That sounds scary

    @mom60511 so your baby dropped? Or he's just really low? I'm always afraid of any cramping but I guess its normal at this point

  • They didn't day he dropped but I don't think he can get much lower without falling out.
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