giving newborn water

edited June 2011 in Parenting
@HomeBirthAdvocate: can i give my 2 week oldjust plain water with it being so hot outside?


  • i do they said it helps her also poop and it has my baby is 16 days old :)
  • I know im not homebirthadvocate, but my pediatrician told me no water before 6 months. Its fine in the formula but it shouldn't be given just plain, she didn't get into it more, i apologize i don't have a better explination as to why. I was breastfeeding and she told me that that is better when its hot than just plain water cause it has more vitamins that will help keep dehydration at bay..
  • I was told the same as @myasmommy2009 but call your pediatrician or advice nurse.
  • What about the nursery baby water??
  • I was told no water before six months unless they are not peeing enough because too much water will overflood their kidneys and damage them. In other words, it over works their tiny kidneys and liver. I'd ask your ped and see what they say. Whenever my baby gets constipated, I give him baby pear juice (after 4 months) but when he when he was a newborn it always worked itself out. I hth and sorry to butt in lol :-)
  • @excitedforbaby my pediatrician said the only thing with that water is it doesn't have flouride which is really bad for babies... and also no sodium, so its good for formula babies. But not ment to be used in newborns for water to just drink.. if that makes sense.. if i seem rude i promise im not trying to be!! Just saying wht i was asking and was told..
  • O no not at all.I thought that was for newborns because it was on the baby isle and it says baby water @myasmommy2009
  • I give my baby girl water at one month old I started at half oz and she did just fine and now she is 15months old and loves water
  • I have 3 kids now and where I am from they sell baby tea starting 1 week of age. It's herbs mainly fennel or chamomile. I had my mom send me some since they will get a dry mouth and to my knowledge it is ok but it does fills their tummy so they wouldn't get the calories they need. I give my boy some in that heat
  • There was a story about a lady stretching her babgy formula by addin too much water and end up almost killing the water before 6 months caz caz water intoxication so I've been told their breasttmilk or formula gives all the hydration they need but as ur pedi best person to ask @hurstk28
  • My lil man is a week old n has problems bringing up wind so my midwife told me to give him an oz of boiled and cooled water but no more cos he'll get too full.
  • We have a friend whose a pediatric specialist and studies have shown giving a newborn water can cause seizures.
  • My son would drink his entire bottle of formula & want more but we didn't want to over feed him. We got the ok from the peditrician to give him small of doses water to keep him fromover feeding. Both my kids are great water drinkers to this day.
  • If breastfeeding they shouldn't need any extra,if bottle feeding you can give them a little cooled boiled water. They don't normally take a lot anyway!! Just keep them stripped off and in the shade to stay cool!
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  • Ok thanks everyone. I cant nurse him til we are sure all milk products are out of my system since he is allergic to them. He is formula fed with soy formula.
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