boy? girl? or umbilical cord? & a beaver booger question!

edited June 2011 in Health
I'm wondering if the tech could really see a penis or could it be the umbilical card in the way? What if the cords wrapped up in between the legs & tech can't see gender? Any one know??


  • My u/s tech wasn't sure at first bc my baby had the cord in the way, but we checked again after going over the other body parts and the cord was out of the way and it is definitely a boy. The tech will usually know if it is the cord they are seeing or baby parts.
  • edited June 2011
    Also if any one knows this one....
    I know the mucus plug regenerates. But I think its been coming out some. Sometimes I wipe tmi & its gooey. Is that the plug?? Or just excess discharge???
  • Hope they can see the gender. I'm getting pestered by an aunt & I hate it!!! She don't know I can't make it to my appt. I gotta wait til next week. @onemoreontheway
  • lol we were being pestered about the sex by my husbands step-mom.. we are so mean...we have kept it a secret from everyone hahaha she is really bitter about it :) its probably bad that it makes me laugh and smile but hey its our baby
  • My little girl had had her umbilical cord in between her legs for her 16, 20, and 24 week ultrasound. But all three times we have still been able to see the three little white lines for a girl, so it was never and issue. They can always have you lay on your sides if they need a different angle to see if it is a boy or girl, if the cord is in the way.
  • I went for a us last week to find gender and the baby had the umbilical cord between its legs and kept it there the entire us tech had a thing on the machine that showed colors where the umbilical cord was. So she definitely knew it was between the legs.
  • @cait_Septembermom they had me turn on my side to try to see from a different angle and still didn't work...such a modest baby lol
  • @one5one I don't know about the umbilical cord question but I know when I was pregnant with my first I lost my mucus plug and it sounds like what you're describing. It was like a gooey gelatenous discharge. I told my Dr about it and he said it was nothing to worry about you can lose it multiple times because it does regenerate.
  • The umbilical cord is generally semi translucent or dotted whereas the penis will have shape and be opaque in consistency. The tech I seen first keep saying it was too early to see genitalia, then at 16 wks they said its a girl me not feeling comfortable questioned it as I knew the difference in appearance. Well sure enough at 20 wks clear as day he had a penis showing to the world.
    (I worked ob/gyn and l&d for yrs)
  • @onemoreontheway well my aunt still thinks I've got an appt tomorrow. I don't& gotta wait til Tuesday at least. But I'm kinda thinking of a way to tell her we didn't see gender. Or should I just say tech canceled all appts for the day??
  • @redhead25 that's a very modest baby! haha Hopefully next time the cord won't be between the legs!
  • @Cait_SeptemberMommy
    @redhead25 good to know they can see it!! I'm happy with whatever we get. I'm thinkng boy though I dream & it's a girl. I'm just anxious to start buying!!!!
  • Well the cord was in between my babys legs but we went one to something else and my baby moved it from her legs and my doctor actually pointed out the girl parts to me,so we definitely know its a girl.
  • @jewlieuh hmm ok cuz its not always there only sometimes. & I gotta wipe a few times to clear it out. So basically its just leaks out here & there but replenishes itself with new mucus!
  • @Singlemomofsoontobe3 oh ok!! Plus the u/s at drs office does have 3d/4d. So they'll see as long as baby cooperates. Thanks
  • @excitedforbaby last timewe went baby wasn't moving much. Probably asleep. But next time I'm drinking coffe or OJ to perk the lil one up to dance for us!
  • @one5one I first started losing mine slowly over a few days, like just in small pieces. When I would go to the bathroom or wipe there would be gooey discharge. Then one day (sorry if this grosses you out) I was taking a shower and washing and I felt something being passed. Like I could feel it coming down my vagina. It didn't hurt at all, it did freak me out though because I didn't know what it was. That time when I could feel it being passed it was larger than the previous times but the same type of consistency and look to it. If that makes sense. I googled it and then at my next Dr appt mentioned it to him.
  • My ultrasound tech checked for descended testicles not a penis. The testicles are shaped I
    differently than.the umbilical cord
  • @one5one I've been losing pieces of my mucous plug for weeks now. A little here and there. This is way TMI but it looks like s'not....uuugghh
  • Idk :-?? Hahaha
  • Lol either way, it just depends on if you want her to know right now or if you want to wait to tell her. If you plan on telling her when you find out then I would just let her know the tech canceled all appts for tmrw and you should find out tuesday
  • edited June 2011
    @jewlieuh yup that's gross!! Lol I'm only 21w4d. So I don't want the whole plug to be gone.
    @blissmarie well that makes sense! To make sure wat they're seeing is wat they're looking for. & yup its verys snot like!!
  • Eww @gabbyc funny right!! I should be saving it up to fling at someone!!! Gag!
  • @onemoreontheway I'm thinking that. I did have a previous level 2 on may 18th. But baby was upside down & backwards so couldn't see anything. And since then she calls every few days just to be like... so your going Thursday? Omg!! Id tell you if it changed! Well now I can't go. ( it was supposed to be today but I tell people its for the day after so my fam & I can have it to ourselves for a while.) But she was pissed that I didn't tell her I was preg til 12 weeks. So hub thinks that she's afraid I wont tell her or that shed be the last to know. I mean what's the rush?? No one really knows for sure till babys born anyway.
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