Anyone been given Cytotec?

edited June 2011 in Giving birth
We are going in Monday night to get the induction going. I am so ready, but the only thing that scares me is the fact that they will be using Cytotec that night. I had never heard of it, and the fact that it's not FDA approved for labor induction scares me. Anyone else been given it? Did it work out ok?


  • I was given it with my son, but had I known anything about it I probably would have refused it. I will not let them use it this time if I need to be induced. It worked just fine, but the other info I found out later about it makes me never want to use it again.
  • So you feel like it wasn't worth the risks? @jbandno3 How quick did it start working? Did it cause contractions for you?
  • They were going to use it with me, but due to the stories, I declined. It is not FDA approved for use in labor, and can cause maternal/fetal death. Depending on your specific reason for induction, they do have other options such as gels that have less risks. I would call your doctor and discuss the risks in your specific case. Hope that helps. Good luck!
  • @babykixalot I actually had to be induced twice. Mostly I think my son want ready to come out and my doc didn't push it to the point that there was no turning back. I just read stuff on the internet about cytotec and it made me nervous to ever let the doc use it again for the possible side effects.
  • You might ask if they can induce with cervidil or a foley balloon instead. BUT, you have to take everything you read on the internet with a grain of salt. Most people will rush to tell everybody and their brother if something bad happens, but they don't post about positive or happy experiences. (In fact, if you search it on Google, out of the top 10 results, 8 look fairly biased.) You can ask your doctor his/her reasoning for using cytotec over other options, that may reassure you some! Good luck!!
  • Thanks everyone. I really wanted to talk about it with my doctor, but our last appointment before the induction was cancelled! I guess I will just have to decide... he did say they've been using it in L&D for over 30 years, but that was about it.
  • I just wish docs would give u more info on things like this so u could make a well informed decision. I completely trust my doc, but I would have loved to have all the info before she used it.
  • I would not take it its made for ulcers the label even says not for use on pregnant women women and babies die from this drug hospitals use it b/c its cheap the main risk is placental abruption their are soo many other ways to induce this drug is not something If would recommend and I think its horrible that its still in use for this reason. There is a woman I can't remember her name but she has a group against it and she goes infront of the fda all the time to try and get them to restrict it (they say its not their place too) well her daughter was given this to induce her labor and it killed her and her baby and she's not the only one!
  • I would refuse it!!!! It can cause serious birth defects and maternal death!!! It isn't FDA approved for inductions! There are other ways to induce if they have to induce you. Like using a breast pump or pitocin. IF I were in your shoes I would ABSOLUTELY REFUSE it!!
  • Is it possible to reschedule your appointment or call during office hours to speak with someone? If it's your only option and you decide to refuse it, they may cancel your induction. I know when I had my induction, everything was prescribed already when I got there and I didn't actually see my own doctor until I was pushing. If you think you might decide to decline it or request another med, make sure you let them know in advance, so they are prepared for you!
  • The makers of that drug say not for use with pregnant women. I would never allow my doc to give me a drug not approved for what he is using it for.
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  • @homebirthadvocate Thank you! I trust my doctor (I even went to high school with his daughter)! I have been deemed as a medically necessary case for induction, which I also believe should be the case for inductions. I have heard horror stories about just about everything, which is why I brought my issue to the forum. My doctor gave me most of the details about Cytotec--I should've never Googled it. I know better than that! Now, if you've got time, this is what he said is going to happen. Does it sound routine? I get there Monday at 9pm, they administer the Cytotec directly to my cervix, and I labor lightly throughout night. The next morning at 7am, they break my water. After that, they may not need to give me Pitocin, but if they do, they'll start it then. Sound normal to you? I really do thank you for easing my concerns.
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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate I haven't been checked in two weeks, so I'm not sure. My doctor is out of town, and I only saw the nurse. I've had those really sharp pains in my vagina... that stop me in my tracks, so I'm hoping it's progressing. I know the baby was at a -1 two weeks ago. I'm so anxious, and ready. Thank you so much for taking the time to put me at ease.
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