Very annoyed with my sons doctor!! *Vent*

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So my son has eczema but is not bad only really acts up in the summer when he's in the sun. So yesterday his doc prescribed him cream for it. I put it on him last night and this morning. Then I thought wasn't this stuff had steroids I wonder if its ok for me to even be touching. So I look it up and its a category C "should only be used during pregnancy when benefits outweigh the risk". I'm sooo pissed she didn't mention this to me when she prescribed it, I'm obviously pregnant (34 wks). Like who the hell did she think was gonna put this on him. Ugh!! Stupid doctors!!! This is y I refuse to have one in the delivery room when I give birth!


  • That's crazy. Call the doctor and give her a piece of your mind.
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  • @natalynandtjsmom I hate confrontation so I prob would never do that lol and anyway its like trying to get a hold of the president trying to talk to her.
    @lil_buggie_3 she didn't mention a thing its so annoying I'm glad I thought to look it up though
  • This may not help much but my 3 year old had it when she was born on her cheeks and the dr gave us some kind of oil. Hubby's oldest had it as well and the oil would help. At some point his youngest got a strain called moloscum(?) which almost looked like warts and gave it to our youngest(cuz her #*@! mom would try to pop them!!!) and we found using a particular soap cleared it ALL right up. Its made by colgate and its like a brownish color with specks but honestly the soap is amazing
  • @mrs_shu my son actually had that 2 summers ago. I was given a cream by my aunt that cleared it up bc the stuff the doc gave me made it worse. I'll go to the pharmacy later and ask about it. Thanks!
  • I was taking steroids and I know other people have during pregnancy on this forum too. It shouldn't harm the baby, it raises the risk of gestational diabetes but there aren't many other side effects. I agree the doctor should have told you to wear gloves as a precaution but I just don't want you to worry!
  • @littlenat86 I'm not really to worried about it bc i only applied it on him twice but I'm just pissed she didn't give a warning
  • I can imagine, especially with you so far gone, I don't suppose that its hard to tell. Just didn't want you worry!
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