Very annoyed with my sons doctor!! *Vent*
So my son has eczema but is not bad only really acts up in the summer when he's in the sun. So yesterday his doc prescribed him cream for it. I put it on him last night and this morning. Then I thought wasn't this stuff had steroids I wonder if its ok for me to even be touching. So I look it up and its a category C "should only be used during pregnancy when benefits outweigh the risk". I'm sooo pissed she didn't mention this to me when she prescribed it, I'm obviously pregnant (34 wks). Like who the hell did she think was gonna put this on him. Ugh!! Stupid doctors!!! This is y I refuse to have one in the delivery room when I give birth!
@lil_buggie_3 she didn't mention a thing its so annoying I'm glad I thought to look it up though