my hubby deploys in 182 days

I'm grateful it is at least after our baby is born. This will be our first deployment so I am a bit nervous. My dad offered to let me and the kids stay with him while my husband Is gone. My oldest is 18 months so they wouldn't be missing school or anything. Any advice from moms who have been here before?


  • When my husband was stationed in Japan for a year, my kids and I went to live with my mom. My daughter was 3 months old and my son was about 22 months old so no school to worry about. It was great for us. I got a job working as a manager at Gymboree and my mom would watch the kids when I had to work. It is hard going through a deployment and family definitely helps get you through it. Good luck hun!
  • I couldn't Imagine a year. I did six months when he went to basic and tech school so I'm sure these six months will go just as fast. I do own a photography business so Im sure I could just do that around ky dads to keep me busy. :-)
  • I have a 2 week old and hubby is deploying at any moment. He is moving our daughter and me back to AZ tomorrow. This is our 3td deployment but first one with a child.
  • Good luck to you @navybabyonway hope all goes smoothly
  • Thanks. You too!! Just remember its just as hard on him being away as it is on us, don't get upset if there are things he can't tell you I'm sure if he could he would. If there are things you want to know nothing about while he is gone make sure he knows that. When my hubby did hos last tour in Afghanistan we NEVER talked about what was going on over there because he knew I would just worry more so I was only on a need to know.

    Oh and make sure you have all the paperwork in order that you might need (ie. Power of attorney. Deployment letter)
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