
My sweet baby boy is 5 weeks old today!! I can't believe it!!

I have my 6 week pp appointment next thursday.. I probably should be thinking about birth control.


  • yeah thats great!!! Yeah pick out some good bc !!!
  • It just flies by! I keep thinking I want my pregnancy to hurry by, but then I think that my baby will grow too fast. This is our last baby, so I want to treasure every second of it!
  • @happymommyof2 @mommyo3soon2b4 yeah I'm doing something other than pills.. that's what I was on when I got pregnant.. We can't afford any more kids right now. He now has 2 and I have 1.
    Its hard for me to believe it esp since his due date was may 27th.. He was born april 28th
  • Congratulations! Newborn babies are just so adorable.

    About the b/c just a tip if you have any type of depression be careful if you decide on the depovera shot. For myself and two other women I am friends with it made all of the depression symptoms worse. Granted that's only three people and I don't know if it was just us or what but I feel it's worth thinking about and asking the doctor about. :)
  • Depo made me depressed too
  • @conreeaght I will stay away from it.. Bc I have been depressed. My dr told me I had a high risk for depression bc I had a tough pregnancy and delivery that ended in csection.
  • I know how you feel. Adrian is almost 2 months, she is rolling over and getting so big. :'( I want my newborn back. But congrats. As for bc look into mirena.
  • I know how you feel too. PARKER will be 3 weeks old on Monday.
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