High platelet count???

My doc ordered more blood work today and I overheard her saying that my platelet count was high. When I asked her what that meant she just said not to worry and we'll discuss it when the lab comes back. But now all I can do is worry :-S . What does this mean and what are the risks associated with it?


  • Hello!!!!! Anybody?????
  • Ok....I guess i'll figure it out on my own... ~X(
  • There are several causes for elevated platelets. Please be patient and wait on ur doctor to give u more info. Don't want u scaring urself and upsetting baby. Im not a doctor but if u know the actual platelet level inbox me and I will tell u my honest opinion not a diagnosis. Just whether or not id be concerned if u were my family. Member. By the way I work in Oncology.
  • I'm sorry you're worrying about this. I was told the same thing at my last appointment & I find out on Wednesday what's going on. I hope you get your answer soon. Good luck. Sorry I couldn't help out.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Dang girl u ain't give ppl the chance to answer before u posted that other post smh
  • My husband had high platlets and they thought is was cancer. BUT it turns out it was just a infection that was running its corse. This ia why you need to wait for your other blood work sweets, it could be nothing and you stress yourself out. Hope all turns out well.
  • I've gt low its commen when preg
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