5 weeks in and im getting worried about my gf .... can anyone help

edited February 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
Ok so we went to er found we r 5 weeks prego.... but they didn't see the spine development and ever since the er she has had booger type discharge I know gross but worried should I be or are these things normal


  • 5 qweks did they see a heart beat yet is she 5 qweks from 1st day of last period or from conception? I had bleed with all my pregnancy I wouldn't worry to much unless she has heavy bleeding best of luck
  • No bleeding 5 wks is what er doc said levels were about 3000
  • Ok maybe get a check in a few days to make sure levels are still going up going by her dates how far does shed think she is
  • iI had a scan @ 5 weeks by lmp n they only seen a line said it looked like a preg starting here we are now 16weeks
  • I wouldn't stress that discharge sounds normal and 5 weeks is still really early. Just make sure she doesn't stress and you guys should be fine, good luck :)
  • Plus the er never really can tell you much, you need an ob who knows and deals with pregnancy
  • Discharge totaly normal, and not the grossest thing to come! lol I agree ER's are NOT the best or even Decent place to get advice or results. 5 weeks is really early I don't think they are supposed to find spine at that point! 8 weeks is usually first ultrasound. Then they can see heartbeat and just beging of development. So don't stress out. You have about three weeks for all that to come about :) Just relax and congrats!!
  • True! I went to the er and they told me I was going to miscarry that there was no signs of development, I went to the dr a wk later, still nothing, the following week there was baby and heartbeat
  • O ok thanks everyone.... we still need to find a doc and a good hospital
  • Go to a good doc....it's the best way to really find out anything, lol....i hate the ER cuz they just want to get you in and out of there as fast as possible.... at 5 weeks, they cant really see ANYTHING cuz baby is still a little blob shape....at 8-10 wks they can just barely see a little heart in there....the only way you should be worried about your gf is if the discharge starts to turn colors (which means some kind of infection) or if there's blood....spotting is normal, so if she has a little bit of blood that goes away, it's ok....heavy bleeding isn't ok, and i would suggest going to a doctor asap if you notice it....it could be a miscarriage if she has heavy bleeding, especially if the blood is clumpy.....tmi, i know, but it wouldn't be helpful info otherwise, i'm just sayin....
  • first off there is going to be no "spine development" YET. it's WAY to early. You wouldn't even be able to see a heart beat yet. That's around 6 weeks plus. The "baby" right now is considered a yoke sack right now. It is very normal to discharge during pregnancy! I have 4 kids and I am pregnant with my 5th. I went in and had an ultra sound done at 6 weeks 3 days. They could hardly find a heart beat but it was there, It was a little flutter. It's to early to hear the heart beat yet but you can see it with an internal ultra sound. ER's are good for telling you that a woman is pregnant but that's about it. Find a good OB and they will take care of her!!! Good luck with everything. Sounds like her HCG levels are pretty high so that's a good thing. They double and triple in numbers each day I was told. So the father along the higher they are and farther along in weeks you are. Good luck to the both of you! It's normal to spot as well as cramp also. Spotting is toally different then bleeding like a period. If she starts bleeding real bad that's when you need to call the OB or go to the ER. Again good luck!
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