Major insomnia, wanna chat im so booored (:



  • Omg, ive wanting them for 3 days but no pancake mix. I mean really? Who doesnt have pancake mix? Lol
  • yes my husband is always reminding me also hehe and im from las vegas :)
  • I guess I better stick with water...., I have to take my glucose test in the morning!! I can hardly wait to drink that nasty stuff and then sit around in the waiting room with my very active 18 month old son!!!
  • @momma2joe good luck

  • Thanks and good night to you.....
  • Im in kentucky, so much further. Those pancakes wouldnt b so good by the time I got there
  • can't sleep help LOL nothing work's
  • I try but I wonder....its like my mind dosent stop
  • I've been obsessed about pancakes too lol...I don't have any mix either how lame? And with my tummy the cravings don't go away til I feed them! This is my 1st baby ill be 12w on Sat. :) grats mammas!
  • I just ate wayyyy to much chocolate.....i feel gross and like a huge fatty. Lol seemed like a great idea earlier
  • Im so tired of eatin. Cuz im too lazy to get up and fixin somethin for myself.
  • I wish I can eat chocolate. Everytime I eat sweets I throw up. Sucks!!
  • Lol. At least I know im not the only person without pancake mix.. Lol!
  • Wow, I've been craving pancakes too! Finally got them and didnt like it! Lol But I ate them all. Going to Ihop tonight.

    I usually sleep from 6pm to midnight, wake up and stay up until 3am. I wake up to go to work just fine. Lol
  • I woke up at 2:00 am to use the restroom & my husband woke up too. He starts talking to me about work for about 10 minutes. He went back to sleep but now im wide awake. I hate it when he does that, i try so hard to barely open my eyes and stay groggy when i get up to use the restroom. Now he's snoring, i'll never get back to sleep.
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