
Anyone else in the same boat? My nine month old is regressing in his sleep pattern and wakes up every 4 hours and after I feed him, I cannot get back to sleep for at least two hours...this sucks. I think it has a lot to do with me no longer taking lexapro which used to help me sleep as well as control my severe anxiety. For the sake of my sanity I will probably go back on it mid second trimester like I did with Gavin. Anyways rant over and feel free to comment if you're awake :-)


  • Awww, good luck! I remember when I was pregnant there was this month span where I would wake up every night and could not go back to sleep. Jackass on MTV was the only thing on at 3am so I think I got caught up on every episode ever made! LOL
  • I'm woke right with ya. I usually wake up around this time every day
  • Insomnia= the story of my life.
    I actually have a sleeping disorder called Delayed Sleep Phase; the hormones in my brain don't properly release for me to sleep at night. It could be 3:00 am and I'm still wide awake....this can be a real pain in the behind sometimes. Then adding in "pregnancy insomnia" on top of that---UGH!! There have been nights that I'm so physically exhausted, all I can do is lay and cry...
    I don't know what to do; I can't take my sleeping aids while I'm pregnant, because they tend to decrease my heart rate a little, which will in turn decrease the baby' the doctor says that it's just something I'll have to do my best to work around.
    Insomnia :-<
  • @monkeysmomma2011
    That's terrible and I definitely feel for you. I just fell asleep while feeding my son, thank God he was strapped into his high chair. I've also started sleep talking and doing some other bizarre things like jumping on my SO in the middle of the night for no reason. I wish it was my second trimester already so I can take lexapro again. Next time you're up, I'll most likely be here to talk to :-)
  • @Peruvianmama It is a difficult battle but in the end, it'll be worth it. I guess it's better that I'm awake and aware of my actions, but there's only so much of a lack of sleep that I can handle. On an average night (morning), I fall asleep around 3:30 am - 4:00 am and sleep until Hubby-to-Be gets up for work at 7:30 am. Then, I have to get up and make sure that he has what he needs to have a productive day at work; most mornings, he just tries to let me sleep, but it doesn't always work out that way. Maybe 3 days a week, I'll stay in bed and wait for him to leave, then sleep until 9:00 or 10:00 am, while the house is quiet; everyone's working or at school.
    I've been doing a little better the past few nights, though. I found that a day at the lake/pool really makes me tired...the family and I spent the weekend traveling to a pool just a few minutes from our home to swim during the day---by the time I get home, I'm ready for bed. Last night was the best night; I was in bed and completely knocked out by 1:00 am, which is an awesome change(: that 2 1/2 more hours of sleep was really nice.! Now, if I just felt better today, life would be perfect!
    Hope you find some relief soon, Dear!!
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