5 th baby single mom..dont know what to do...advice plz

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Well I'm 24 and I'm pregnant with my 5th child...im a single mother.. I'm nervous and I'm confused...I love my kids but itfs so hard doing it alone...I'm so lost...ant advice...


  • Take it one day at a time. Get a good support network. Everything will be fine.
  • Very true and remember, where 4 can eat 5 can eat.
    May I ask, are you going to tie your tubes after this
  • Stop having kids.
  • Wow, that was rude... Sory to hear your alone. We all go through our stuff. Sounds like you have quite a few lil helpers around though. Just focus on them and all the great things that come with being a mom. Find some friends. This ap is nice, Most people are pretty nice and supportive. But do take a step back and concider what you want from life, relationships. We don't know your story, and have no place to judge. It does sound like a lot to have 5 kids by 24. But I pray you have all the support and help you will need. Just focus on those 5 lives, they are the most important. And the most honest love you will ever recieve...
  • I'm right there with ya. 26 with 3 kids. Left my husband 6 months ago(but still "seeing" him. Now I'm pregnant with his twins. TWINS!!! Just hold on and stay strong. My grandmother had 9 all while my grandpa was in the army and over seas... if shecan do it I can and certainly you can! Keep ur head up :)
  • @proudaddy who the hell are you tell anyone what to do with their life?
    you do not know her, her life or her situation. im going to report you to martin for being a absolute jerk. if you do not have anything nice to say, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL
    my personal opinion, if you are going to encourage your child (ren) to be as disrespectful, insensitive and rude as you, YOU STOP HAVING KIDS. for the world will be a much happier place not having to experience random degrading by strangers. X(
  • My husband & I are expecting our 3rd in August & when we first found out we thought it couldn't have happened at a worse time. We both were in the process of switching careers, I've been unemployed since June & our son will be 1, 2 weeks from today. I know 3 isn't the same as 5 but a lot of us have been in your shoes. I don't believe in abortion but what'swrong for me is right for someone else. Also there's adoption & I'm pretty sure you've thought about all that already. Best advice I can give is to clear your head & really consider if you can take on another child. Do you make enough money to provide for your family? Is your home large enough to accomadate
  • Well said singlemomofsoontobe3 lol I gusses Martin took it off.
    @cillax4- you can do it girl my mom had 5 kids and did it by herself.. So keep up the good work. Don't let nobody tell u any different.
  • Your growing family? Do you have support now? Bf, ex husband, baby's father? Do you receive child support? Are you struggling already with the children you have? These are some things to consider because although people will tell you all you need is love us mom's know that it takes a lot more then that to raise a child. I'm not judging you at all because I had to be completely honest with myself & go through the same process when I found out.
  • You bunch of hippocrits. This WHOLE forum is about advice...AND she asked...I gave her my opinion. Chill out.
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