i cant take this anymore!

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Im 40 weeks & 2 days im only 1 cm dilated. my back is killing me (not from back labor from carrying all this weight) & im so done w/ being pregnant if nothing happens this weekend I have to get another u/s monday to measure the fluid & possibly get induced wednesday or thursday. Idk what to do to speed this up sex & walking & even swimming doesn't work :(


  • Its time to serve those eviction papers lol! Looks like little darling has gotten too comfortable. You've tried sex, walking, AND swimming?!? That is one stubborn baby!
  • Tell me about it my sis in-law was 2 weeks late im not trying to be pregnant that long though! Lol.
  • Did u try reflexology? Massage your ankles
  • I had my bf do that last night it was relaxing but it didn't do anything in that department ;(
  • am 40+6 an i know ur pain... bet everyones sick of me goin on about it now i was 1cm on wed an see my midwife again this wed an gettin a induce date hope fully befoer the 11th..... worse pain tho of haveing strong contractions an nothink is cuming of it
  • Oh my goodness. You poor thing :( I'm only 36 weeks and I am completely miserable. I can't wait to have this baby! I'm tired of being uncomfortable every minute. I hope it happens very soon for you !
  • Im probably going to get induced Tuesday cuz my boyfriend has this week off :/
  • I was almost 2 weeks over and ate Mac&cheese W/ A1 sauce. It worked but may have been a coincidence.
  • Nipple stimulation and eat salsa. It worked for me, I was 13 days overdue. Sorry, it is so hard to wait everyday and wonder if your ever not going to be pregnant. I remember that feeling. Good luck and remember-play with them nipples :)
  • Lol ill try hopefully it works I've been bouncing on the exercise ball & walkin all day so maybe this will work.
  • Lol my mom told me to do jumping jacks, she said thats how she got into labor with me
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