pregnancy dreams

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Last night I had a dream that all the other mamas around me are having boys! I woke up thinking mine is a girl because everyone can't have a boy lol. We are waiting till Its born to find out. I'm just wondering What Is a weird dream you have had being pregnant!


  • I just had a dream last night of me and hubby splitting up.. the whole dream was just
  • When I was about 9weeks pregnant I had a dream I was at the hospital & went into labor & had a babyboy, then around 16weeks I had another dream that I went into labor & was holding a baby boy. & at my gender ultrasound at 20weeks we found out I'm having a baby boy ;) I'm 25weeks5days now
  • @having_a_girl I've had dreams of my husband cheating And woke up mad as hell at him lol. He has never done anything to me like that.
  • @clope18 in my dream last night I was sure I was having a girl because everyone else was having a boy! I don't know if that means I'm having a girl or I just really want a girl lol
  • Lol ya when I woke up and told him about the dream he was like you were cheatin on me huh?? Haha yea right.
  • night before last i had a dream that i was 20 yrs old and in my senior year in high school and pregnant with my third, and my husband was questioning whether to leave me. lol.!
  • Its been awhile since I have had a crazy dream, but my boyfriend told me that he had a dream that we where fighting over something, and the next thing he knew I pulled out my boob and was squirting him in the face with breast milk yelling take that a$$hole lol
  • @mschop omg lmao! That is so funny!
  • I have been having crazy sex dreams since I have been pregnant! Like really graphic sex dreams hubby is jealous!
  • @survivormommie3 ahhhh to be 20 again! Ill be 30 in July! Lol
  • @Ashley_smashley lucky! My sex drive has disappeared with this 1.
  • Thats the sex drive has really lowered..but in my dreams I am a sex machine lol!
  • I had a dream that my baby came out mixed and like right after I brought it home from the hospital it was already walking and weighed like 22 pounds and I called my mom and was like this is not my baby and she was like yeah it is I watched you give birth to it lol
  • I always have bad dreams when I'm pregnant :( I've dreamed my hubby robbed all his co workers and went to prison lol also that he cheated on me and I woke up so mad I woke him up to yell at him and tell him if he ever did that to me id kill him lol. Also that someone kidnapped our son and I went crazy ninja mom on the people that took him hehe..idk why I keep having weird scary ones :(
  • @Ashley_smashley I was just like that at the beginning of my pregnancy! How far are you?
  • I am 24 weeks today...It seems they are getting more intense for me as the weeks go by lol. My husband gets a kick out of hearing about them tho. @smgibbs
  • @ashley_smashley lol! I'm 14 weeks! Maybe my dreams will come back ;-)
  • Lol I had a dream the other day that I had gave birth to my baby and I was still in the hospital but me and bd had to take the baby to another floor so we took the stairs and the baby started talking, like literally was like "I'm hungry mommy" I'm like babe omg did u just hear the baby talk, he's like umm no lol and I was like he did watch then he talked again and my bd was like oh man we gotta tell the doctor, so when we get to the doctor the baby just status taking baby talk was hilarious !! lol
  • Lmao! That's a good one @ladicapo
  • @everyone last night I Had a dream of flying around the world showing everyone my baby lol! It was a weird dream but fun lol
  • When i was prego i had a dream that i gave birth to my baby in parts.. like heres a leg n then 2 hrs later another leg n then the next day an arm and when the dr gave me the last piece it was like a mr potato head thing putting the baby parts all together... weird!
  • O man I have crazy dreams. Like natural disasters, ppl trying to kill me, hb cheating, my MOM giving birth.. I dreamt that my hb wanted to divorce me for not cleaning up enough.. dreamt once that we stole cars together n i was helping him hide from cops.. every night its vivid n nuts!!
  • I want a girl really bad. A few weeks ago I dreamnt that I had twin boy and girl and while I was breastfeeding the boy the girl disapeared lol a few weeks after I dreamnt that I was having a sono done nd the tech said congrats mommy look its a girl and as I looked at the screen it turned into a boy!! I woke up pissed lol then last night I dreamnt I was breastfeeding a fat baby girl. Im so freaking confused cuz of these dreams. W
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