Is my dog trying to tell me something?

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
So, my dog, who've we've had since he was 8 weeks old, he's now 6 has been acting so weird! He's always been sweet, but since I got pregnant, especially during my puke-your-brains-out first trimester, he's been constantly by my side. Starting last night, though, he is even more clingy. Every time I woke up last night (every hour or two, to go pee) he was sitting straight up in the dark, starring at me. It was creepy!!! So, my question... Is he trying to tell me something, like it might be "time" soon, or has my dog just gone crazy?!


  • Lol I have 4dogs n always have with my other pregnancys.....I have one who is extremely clingy if I take naps n shes in the house she put her head on my stomach. She follows me everywhere....dogs just horses do too
  • OMG NO my cat has been like that. He's normally very independent (like most cats I suppose) but the last three or so days he has to know where I am at all times, even coming and sleeping with me, which he never does. I hope it means something!! For both of our sake lol
  • Ahh!! I hope so. It's so weird! I've been home most of the day today, so he's been right next to me sleeping. I don't think he slept much last night, he's usually playful during the day, but today he's sleepy. lol I dunno if he was watching me all night or what.
  • I have a 3 year old english bulldog who did the same thing.....until about 3 weeks ago...the more baby stuff that comes in the house the less he likes me! He ignores me now!
  • Haha that's super cute. I know my cat keeps coming in to check on me throughout the evening if he doesn't sleep the whole night with us.
  • Animals are crazy with their instincts. my cats told me I was pregnant. Before I even thought about it I told my husband ' the cats are acting weird and all over me, I hope I'm not dying'. Nope, with child
  • My dogs do the same thing :) they r just looking out for u n they will know its time before u do they have that sense. I'm pretty use to it sense one of my dogs is my service dog for my blood disorder n seizures she my little angel in a fur coat.
  • My moms dog was just like that right before I had my daughter 7 years ago.. I think it is very normal!
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