Your thoughts..

edited June 2011 in Military moms
So I'm due Nov 11th. My hubby just came home with the deployment dates finally. They are shipping out between Nov 14th-18th. :,( Can they take him?? I was told its mandatory to give 10 days off after the birth. I've heard of fathers being able to stay for a month then going. He says he will talk to his nco. Hoping she is understanding, esp since she is dual military.

And another thought..
I want to move back home. Will the army pay for it or no?
If they don't then I have to wait til tax time to move. And if that happens then I sort of want to live in campground :D I think it would be different and fun. It'd keep me busy. The campground I'm looking at is open from april to nov so it works out great. And 1700 for the season.(I need to buy a rv or trailer though) But still cheap!
Do you think it would be hard to live on a campsite with a 5 month old? or fun?

Thanks :)


  • It really depends on his chain of command. If he has a good chain of command, then the better his chances are, but if his chain of command is anything like my husbands, they wont make him leave with everyone else. But he can also ask to be put on the trail party, cause they are the last of them to leave out and that might work to his advantage. As far as them paying for you to move, they won't. They only way the would was if you were PCSing to another post or getting out the service.
  • @faulkner27 I dont know how his is. He just moved to a new unit/ battery? idk what the difference is. But he has new nco's and stuff.

    I figured they wouldn't help us move. They didn't help me move here. So I'm banking on taxes and his yearly bonus.
  • You might want to see if you can be induced a couple weeks early. Baby is good as cooked at 38 weeks. ;-) I not sure if the military will move you, my husband and I are dual military (active & reserves) and we got married a couple of years ago. Because we got married 2 weeks after he was sent to Ft Campbell so we had to move my stuff ourselves. It never hurts to ask though. Good Luck!
  • @natalynandtjsmom I am DEF going to have tons of sex and bounce on a ball and all the other silly things woman do to make baby come! lol. I really don't want to have a c-section if I don't need to. I'm so crushed he will be gone for all of babies firsts. But he says its better b.c. not like baby does much in the first year or remember. Pft yes they do! Babies know who people are.
  • I'm sorry he is going to deploy around the same time as the birth. I think that his unit/battery will be understanding and let him see the birth of his child. It will be hard on the both of you when he has to go, but you will manage. Just make sure you take lots of pictures for him and when you talk on the phone, let him talk to the baby as well to hear his voice as things like that. My husband was deployed through my pregnacy with our first child, and he made it home 3 days (on his r&r) before the birth of her. He came back when she was 4 months and took right to him. He did miss some first things she did, but now she is 5 and doesnt understand why daddy cant be here all the time, and I think its harder on them when they are alittle older then being in there baby stages. I wish you guys the best of luck :)
  • @faulkner27 thank you :) I know I will def take a BUNCH of pics b.c. I do of other babies or kids I watch. I have asked Derek before if he would record videos of him reading baby books. He said no :(
  • @august22baby I'm hoping baby will come early. Most woman don't last the full 40 weeks. At least not in my family.
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