So much effin pain!

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I cnt sleep, :( my back n my hips hurt sooo bad helppppp


  • Alternate ice and heat. 20 minutes for each, and on the ice, don't use more than a paper towel between you and the ice pack... its really cold, but its the most effective.
  • How far along are u hun?
  • Same here. I hardly slept at all last night. Tylenol doesn't do squat! I was also having killer allergies and on top of that, my husband slept diagonally across the bed so I had to curl up all weird. I'm wondering if those icy hot patches are any good for pregnancy pain.
  • @wallieheadbaby3 ill b 38 weeks tuesday! Its been like this since about 20 weeks tho :( I also have x
  • Siatica idk how 2 spell it lol
  • @VictoriaB let me kno if it works!
  • My mother in law let me borrow her heating pad and that worked out pretty well.
  • @adriansmommy oh my hun... you are very far. It makes me not look forward to tomorrow... I'm 26 weeks and in so much pain already I can't imagine it getting worse... although I know it does! If you find something that works please let me know! Good luck Momma!
  • Ill let u kno but im sorry to say nuthin really helps :(
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