edited June 2011 in Pregnant
i just had my little girl last year in december and im a plus size so ive always had stretch marks but light ones. well today im 13+5 and this morning i noticed i have 2 bright red stretch marks!!!! im getting so sad because i already feel weird in my body and this just tops it! is there anything i could use to make them dissapear or at least shrink? i really dnt want my belly having bright red marks all over.


  • lol i just had a disscussion on it i had 2 birght red ones appear to try coco butter for strech marks lube up a few times a day to help u not get anymore
  • The Palmer's Tummy butter works for me but they don't take away the stretch marks for good it just lightens them up...My mom still has the stretch marks from when she was pregnant with me so you may be stuck with them, but hey, at least u got them for a good reason. I heard bio oil was good for stretch marks also!
  • So I had a few and honestly I didnt think the Bio Oil was gonna work...but I figured why not atleast try it...and IT WORKS! lol I only used it for 2 days and they are already lighter! Its amazing! I couldnt use the Palmers because since I have been pregnant the smell of cocoa butter makes me gag! lol. The Bio oil is kinda expensive (about $15) but its amazing!!!
  • thank you ladies!!! i will definetly try the Bio Oil! @ashley_smashley yea the smell makes me gag too!
  • Just make sure you really rub in the oil...or else it will get on your shirts! I got some on mine, but spray and wash works wonders!
  • I use bio oil but an old remedy is the juice in egg plant or vitamin e hair grease
  • Ive seen Bio oil@
    walmart- $11. Something
    Kmart- $12
    and heard it's $20 at costco for 2.. so $10 each :) i think it faded my old ones..its hard to tell sometimes cus they were white b4.. oh and these are the prices for the small bottles
  • I have stretch marks from my previous pregnancy and started using cocoa butter everyday since 7weeks with current pregnancy.. I'm now 28weeks with have no new stretchs and have noticed that my old ones are starting to lighten up...
  • When they are red is the best time to treat them. Make sure you are getting lots of vitamin c. Vitamin c is necessary for the body to produce collagen and aid in skin repair. Orange juice has the most out of any other fruit or juice. Carrots and almonds are good too for the vitamin a and e, respectively. Make sure you are getting plenty of water, like 2 liters a day. Start from the inside and work your way out!

    Bio-oil is $17.99-20.99 for a 4.2 oz bottle. They also sell 2 oz bottles for around $13 depending on where you get them. I get mine at Walmart or rite-aid where it's the cheapest.
    Vitamin e oil is a good prevention oil. Find one where it has a high "I.u." number because it will be stronger. I use a 56,000 I.u. oil. You can find this for cheap, between $5-15
    Mederma also has a stretch mark therapy lotion that is $40 for a good size bottle. I'm taking an ingredient list to my doctor on Thursday in hopes that I can use it also. It comes in a box at the store so it stands out. It says to use for at least 12 weeks....I have 14 left so if I can use it, its definitely getting added to my list.

    With anything you use, application is key. Exfoliate every other day or so in the shower with a high quality, high volume loofah or brush. When you are done pat dry very lightly keeping your skin still damp. Apply the oil in small circular motions making sure to go both clockwise and counter-clockwise to get it into every little pore. Let it soak in for a minute before putting clothes on. All of this helps circulation. Apply anything you use 2-4 times a day. NEVER scratch your belly, it puts uneven pressure and takes layers off unevenly causing more/worse marks. When you feel the need to scratch, put lotion on in little circular motions and drink a glass of water. Carry around a mini travel lotion. I got a palmers one for 99¢.
    Good luck :/ I'm trying everything as you can tell. I haven't got one yet and I'm 25 weeks and weigh 145, I was 117-119 before pregnancy. When I was in high school I went from 110 to 125 and got them all over my butt and hips. The fact that I didn't get them with this weight gain says something's going right :/
  • thank you all so much! i bought the bio oil so today is the first day im gona try it! i didnt know there should be a specific way of putting it on but i will try that if it works desperate! crossing my fingers it really works! again thank you! :)
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