Feeling Violated

edited February 2011 in June 2011
Yu eva hve ppl dat tend 2 wana rub ur belly w/o askin if so how do yu real wit it? I cnt stand 4r sum1 2 rub my stomach w/o askin me n they thnk iz cool...Ugh


  • Just tell them nicely to please not touch your belly or that it makes you uncomfortable when they do it.
  • Spencers has a maternity shirt that says touch the belly lose a hand seriously thinking about buying one
  • @ Rissalee7 I thnk I needa get dat shirt r several of dem 2 wear wen I go n public. I dnt lik family touchn me eitha but iz beta than a complete stranger. 4r me 2 b walkn thru Walmart n jus a random persn walk up n touch me then ask wen r yu do. I culda wnt crazi.
  • I kind of look at them funny if they even act like it, they usually back off. I can't stand any one to touch me I can only stand my husband to touch it for so long but thank goodness he doesn't do it very often. I feel bad but it just irks me.
  • The people I work with touch my belly but I don't mind because I know them I dunno how it's going to be when a stranger does it
  • I dnt even let da fathr touch it. Da only persn dat I tolerate touchn it iz my 2yr pic son. I dnt feel bad at all cuz iz jus so uncomfortable 2 me.
  • I dont mind when my girlfriends do but when like dudes, or friends boyfriends are like aww and they try and touch it thats just weird!
  • Ppl tell me im jus bein mean but I dnt look @ it dat way. Ig dea will neva undastnd bcuz dea will neva b in our shoes.
  • My family is allow the bd is allowed his son and the god parents are allowed belly privellages
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