Can I give my new born gerber baby rice ?

edited June 2011 in Babies


  • My 4weeks baby girl dnt sleep more than 1 hour straight , so I was wondering if I can put a lil of baby cerial n her bottle
  • No. Strictly formula or breastmilk.
  • I wouldn't til they were a little bigger. I used to give my daughter rice bottles when she was around 2mo I think but I couldn't give her very much at all. Like maybe half a scoop a day. More than that would constipate her. She needed to gain some weight.
  • No you can't give a baby rice till there 4months. You can try to mix a little bit with there formula to maybe get them to sleep longer.
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  • Im new to this baby thing but im pretty sure her stomach couldnt digest cereal....but dnt quote me
  • How many ounces does she eat during a feeding? Is she still hungry after she finishes?
  • I wouldnt. I dont give mine cereal until 4-6 months
  • I was instructed by a pediatric GI specialist to give my son cereal starting at 2 weeks because he had reflux so bad he couldn't keep anything down...thats a different case tho...if baby is just hungry then I wouldn't unless told to by a pediatrician
  • You can mix a little bit with her formula they say its suppose to keep baby full longer but it didn't work with my daughter. My pediatrician prescribed my daughter with formula mixed with the rice cereal because she had acid reflux. So its also good for less spit ups.
  • She eats 2oz every 3 to 4 hours
    but looks like she still hungry after every feeding
  • She should probably be ready to eat more by her age. I just make bottles that are about 1/2 an ounce bigger than I know she's eating that way when she's ready to start taking more its there.
  • I did n it worked wonders....put it in formula don't make it super thick just enough to make a little more substance ask any Dr if baby needs it its fine its not gonna hurt your baby if anything its gonna help her n u sleep
  • I would call her peditrician because 2oz every 3-4 hours is normal. You don't want to risk over feeding just so she'll sleep. Some babies don't sleep in large increments.
  • My daughter is a week old and eating 1 1/2oz -2oz every 2 hrs but she also has 2-3 times a day where she will sleep for 4-6hrs straight so it all averages out
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  • Well this is my fourth baby abd i plan on getting my little one some around four to six weeks to me my others slept longer so if her sleeping pattern is bad i will be giving her some........
  • My grandma(who is in her 70s) gave ALL of her kids (9) cereal the day she left the hospital the doctor told her its ok,some doctors worry about them becoming obese it won't hurt your baby to mix some in with her formula
  • Thanks everybody, I will call her pediatrician to b n the safe side.
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  • My doctor put my daughter on cereal@ 2 months because her reflux was so bad. It helped her keep it down and she didn't gain a lot. Just a few pinches per bottle. Talk to your pediatrician first.
  • Your the mommy if you think its necessary then try it. My daughter was always hungry at 2 months old and she was drinking bigger bottles so I spoon fed her a bowl.of cereal at night. She was a happy girl after that.
  • Theirs also a baby formula that is thicker and is made night time feeding. My cousin told me about it and she said it worked great for her baby she is full longer and sleeps longer
  • @angie87 do u know what formula is that?
  • I was told by a specialist that feeding it is fine of course u r mom u will learn what your baby needs your not going to kill her trust me
  • Lol I meant to say trust your instinct
  • My mil fed my husband a rice bottle the night he came home lol he slept the whole night she said. He's far from fat. This guys had a six pack since he was 5 lol
  • Lol my child had rice n wow far from obese I cant get this crazzy 5year old to gain if he had to no way no how
  • we had to put it in my nephews bottles very early because he was never satisfied. I lived with my sister when he was born . We just mixed it very thin and made sure he could get it through the nipple. It didnt make him fat and he is 4 now and is no where near fat. Just check with your doctor to be sure they think its a good idea. After we added the cereal he would eat and be pleased until next time to eat. We didnt do it for sleep but even after giving him extra formula he just was not satisfied so the added thickness helped keep him full.
  • They make formula that expands in their tummy to make them full longer. it takes longer to digest. Enfamil makes it. or you can put I think a tsp of rice in their bottle. I had to with my last bc she had a problem with spitting up. Def ask the pediatritian though.
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