braxton hicks at 26 weeks??

edited June 2011 in Second Trimester
Is this common? Or is it too early? Very randomly my belly will get super tight and hard, sometimes to where I can't stand up straight, and then go soft again. My midwife hasn't discussed braxton hicks with me yet, but I'm assuming that's what it is from what I've read.Thoughts??


  • It is very common at that stage. i have been having them since about 23 weeks. Walking alot really makes them act up. As long as the stop, you should be fine.
  • I'm 26 weeks too and have been having the same problem. Never had them with my first pregnancy, so its new to me. Good luck!
  • @headersue yea I go walking 3 times a week and it happens a lot during my walks, so I just take breaks. And it has been happening for a few weeks
  • Mine started about 22 weeks and they are strong and frequent
  • Mine started around 19 or 20 weeks. It's common in your second and third trimesters.
  • What exactly do they feel like...bc im not sure if I have been getting braxton hicks or round ligament pain
  • Ok thanks ladies I feel better :)

    @adri805 your belly gets real hard and tight for like 30-45 seconds, but it doesn't hurt like ligament pain, its painless but kinda uncomfortable
  • Does ligament pain hurt, like shooting pain n back contractions
  • Yea its fine..I was worried to cus I started noticing it at 20 I look up and saw that if it becomes a pattern and if you start to have pain or bleeding then go to the er.
  • @adri805 ligament pain would be on the left or right side of your abdomen, and it usually happens if you move too suddenly. It feels like you pulled a muscle but usually doesn't last that long. For me anyway, everyone is different.
  • Thanks....this is my second n I feel like its my first bc compared to this one it was s smooth pregnancy. Well mine go away n come right back a few seconds after over n over for about like 20 min or so n I get back pain too...lower back
  • 26wks sitting in the hospital now BC mine got so bad they were as bad as contractions
  • @adri805 hmm I'm not sure what that is but I would ask your doctor

    @singlemomofsoontobe3 aw I'm sorry :(
  • Yeah I am I got an appt tomorrow
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