induction v. natural birth? ladies i need ur help

edited June 2011 in Giving birth
I've heard tht birth is more painful wen ur induced as opposed to wen baby is actually ready to cum...can any of u ladies with experience help me out I cnt take ths pain ne more n although I'd like to go full term I'm thinkn about askn my doc to induce me at 37wks I'll b 35wks tomar n I'm already havn contractions n labor pains


  • edited June 2011
    I've been induced with both, second one just 41 hours ago. Yes it hurts, but its labor, its supposed to hurt. I do suggest waiting until you're close to due or overdue to be induced though just to make sure baby is ready, otherwise you have a higher risk of a c-section :) good luck hun it will be over before you know it!
  • All I can say is watch pregnant in america and the buisness of being born. Both are documentaries and have been totally eye opening in my quest in becoming a mother. You can get them on netflix or
  • Kk thnx ladies I'm jus so ready for ths to b ovr but at my last appt doc said my cervix was soft n hopefully I strt dialating by my nxt appt
  • i best friend was induced with her first and she said it was the worst labor ever! and with her second she came the day before she was going to be induced and she said it was great and was able to do it drug free
  • Most doctors wont induce at 37 weeks unless its a serious medical reason. I wanted to go til my due date but was induced at 39 weeks because of kidney issues. I think it does hurt more when you get induced and your body isn't ready for it. The contractions are stronger and faster.too.
  • Well I'm already n lots of pain but I thnk he's gna cum early but if not I guess I'll jus let him cum wen he's ready...
  • @beauty0710 I was induced at 41+1 andif they had induced sooner, it probably would have been a more comfortable and timely birth because at 41+1 he was 8lbs9oz and had a massive head and he was facing up. It hurt, but the second your baby cries, all pain stops. I know most 1st timer are skeptical, but it couldn't be more true. If the doc had waited any longer, I would have needed a c-section. I will be asking for an early induction this time around.
  • Well I never went into labor and I was admitted to the hospital cuz I was almost 6 cm dialated! They only had to break my water and then it was onnn from there lol.. maybe they will only have to do that for u?
  • My water broke with both my girls but I didn't get contractions so I was put on pitocin with both. Its intense but labor is very fast. About 13 hours with my first and 6-7 with my second. Hopefully this one is only like 3 hours, that'll be awesome!
  • Thnx ladies I'm so scared
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