How do I get over it?!

edited June 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
So me and my fiance have been together for 2 years non stop.(we dated for 6 months in my 10th grade year...I cheated because I thought he was gay and was using me as a cover up) So here is the story.....
Well we had one vehicle then he bought another for him so I got the old one.( the old vehicle that I got was my first ever car so I finally had a new freedom!) He put a tracking thingy on my phone(cellspynow) because he thought I was cheating on him again because on my days off I would be out all day and night because I didn't want to be around him because we are ALWAYS together(we work and live together) and we fight too much....what bothers me is that he still has the ability to track everything I do on my phone and I can't trust him when he says he isn't doing it anymore because how do I know? ! I feel so betrayed and now we have a kid on the way and there is nothing I can do.( I have not cheated since we have been together now because I know for a fact he isn't gay and i love him or I wouldn't have gotten back with him) he acts like it was an OK thing to do! I'm so damn pissed! How is our relationship going to work now if we don't have trust? I'm so tired of him playing detective! I feel like I'm with my damn father because this is the same crap my dad would pull! Ughhhhhhh.


  • There is a device to take the tracker off ur phone. I'm not sure what its called tho. Anyway u need to stand up to him n tell him if he don't trust u then there is no purpose of u all being together. What's a relationship without it, nothing !
  • Shoot him!!!! Im jus sayin that cause im man hatin right now :D
  • Damn.....he told me all he needs is my phone number and he can read my texts and see where I'm at. I'm so tired of thinking" omg is he watching me now!" I'm not doing anything wrong its just I feel like my privacy is being screwed with I know we are supposed to be honest with each other but sometimes there is a limit! Why does he need to know what I'm talking to my friends about I don't snoop around his shit!
  • @marriedwith_4 I'm also really bad with "Standing up to him" :/ I've never really been confrontational and if I do stand up to him it will just cause us to argue and I'm 26 weeks pregnant and I don't think me and my baby can handle my blood pressure rising anymore and I'm so tired of the stress.
  • @Karla_with_a_K I think I'm turning into a man hater tooo :)
  • Its really fun. My hubby has been bein a total ASSHOLE for the past few days now.. So im bein a man hater
  • But u need to! I don't want anyone to just walk all over u , that's bad sweety. I'm not sayin go curse him out but just a simple sit down. U love him now but u can also make urself end up hating him seriously
  • Check it out I didn't read anything about it being able to like track your location
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