sept babies



  • Find out for sure what the DD is, but I'm guessing around the 28th. This is #4 I have one almost 10, almost 7, and the other will turn 2 right after this one is born, and my BD has one almost 6. Big family and we love it :-D
  • I'm due September 10 th with my first. Soooo excited x
  • Due Sept 16th with 3rd I have a boy and girl and stepdaughter so hoping for another boy!
  • Due September 22 and hoping for a girl...still be happy w/a boy!
    My 4yr son already says ''his sister" :)
    so hes hoping for a girl too!
  • I am due sept 2 with my second and hoping for a boy but will be happy if baby is healthy no matter the sex. My two year old daughter gets mad if we say anything about a girl and insists its a boy! :)
  • im 18 due september 30 with my first and my amazing boyfriend of 3 years bow. hope its a boy but will love it the same no matter what. im so excited.
  • Sept 5th, wanna boy :)
  • Im due sept. 1 with my first baby...I have alot of bdays in moms the bestfriends the sis is the 13th and my dads the 19th....and now will see when my baby will be born..soo excited!!! I get to find out in april what im having...def. will...
  • I'm 19! Live in little falls,minnesota haha this is my first baby hoping for a healthy baby! I'm sooo happy I love kids so great!! :)
  • I'm due Sept 2nd with my second. Everyone feels like its a boy. Before we even told her we were pregnant my 5 yr old tells me she needs a brother cause its not fair that I have a brother and she doesn't. Lol
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