Are all MIL's crazy???
I know alot of people get flavored pacis or make their own and please dont feel I'm saying anything bad about that bc I understand sometimes that's all that works for some babies. But me and my df have decided we don't want to give him those or put anything sweet on his pacis but his mother keeps suggesting it.. for one we DONT have a fussy baby at all the only time he fuses is when he is hungry and that's when she suggests it... Really? Why not just feed him? second it is not your choice.. Just bc you did that with your kids doesn't mean we want to with ours. So far I have refused to leave him with her bc she DOESN'T listen... I'm not sure but I kinda think she really believes he is hers... I didn't go through 20hrs of labor and a csection for nothing.... She also thinks it a good idea to wake him up or keep him up when he is obviously sleepy.. She came over to our house one day and complained I had him in just a diaper... we were in the house... He had peed on his outfit.. And I didn't see any reason putting another on him to get dirty while relaxing at home...
Oh and now she thinks me and him got engaged too soon... He got divorced 3yrs ago.. And she's the one who got all "upset" that we moved in together and had a baby without being married but now that we are going too she didn't like it..
She makes me want to scream...
Oh and now she thinks me and him got engaged too soon... He got divorced 3yrs ago.. And she's the one who got all "upset" that we moved in together and had a baby without being married but now that we are going too she didn't like it..
She makes me want to scream...
Start printing out articles about how pacies are bad and how you shouldn't give babies anything but formula/breastmilk and give them to her "because she is SO interested in the topic"
unless your pediatrician says s/he needs one then there is no reason to introduce one. Our pediatrician gave us one at the hospital because my daughter wouldn't stop nursing and just let the milk drip out of her mouth. She was using me as a human pacifier at times and eating with no problems at others. She had plenty of wet and dirty diapers so we had permission.
@brianewmom I wouldn't have as much an issue if she suggested things and let then go when I said no... But when she keeps going that when I get
@conreeaght we had no choice a regular paci got given to him bc the nurses in the NICU gave it to him but he almost never uses it which is the way we want to keep it. Every so often he'll want it to go to sleep but spits it out after 10 minutes.. She better not ruin that for me.