what is the latest you can fly while pregnant?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 34 weeks and I'm thinking about flying to Hawaii to have this baby there. But im not sure what my ob will say. I know its prolly too late but I finally have the money for my ticket. I also wanna have this baby in Hawaii cuz I have my family there who can help me with the baby.


  • I believe 33 weeks, but I am not sure. If you do it soon maybe you can make it. I, know airports usually won't let you fly after 37 weeks. Get a note from your ob just in case.
  • Okay. Ill def ask my ob. Thanks!
  • It's okae hope you get to go. Even though iam uber jealous. :p
  • It depends on the airline. My friend worked for Southwest and after 8mos they say no, because they have no one trained if something happens. I would definatly check with them before you buy a ticket :)
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