help! anyone else had a baby diagnosed with.....

edited June 2011 in Health
Has anyone else been told their baby had a cyst on their brain at the 20 wk anatomy scan? My doctor said there is nothing to worry about, but hey I'm human I'm going to worry. I have to have another ultrasound at 28 wks at which time she said most cysts have disappeared. Anyone have good or bad stories regarding this?


  • Never heard of such thing. But my son will be born with a club foot.
  • My doctor called it an echo foci, and it was on her heart. I researched it,and it really is nothing to worry about yet... if there were more than one on different organs, or if hasn't gone away by your next ultrasound, then I would worry. (SN and kinda funny, its such a minor thing that my ultrasound tech didn't even know why she had to tell us it was there, because it never meant anything, just part of baby growing..)

    @moroccanmexicanbaby so sorry to hear that..
  • With my first he had the cyst on his brain and an echogenic shadow on his heart. I too wad nervous but both disappeared before birth which is what research will tell you, sometimes they shouldn't tell hormonal moms these things....LOL. Good luck but all should be fine.
  • one of my girlfriends did experience this recently however when she went back it was gone :-D
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