Waiting to be late, wish me luck!

edited June 2011 in Trying to conceive
For the first time ever - literally - I'm going to wait til I'm late to test... assuming af stays on vacation. I think I'm due Friday or Saturday, so if no Flo, I'll be testing Sunday! I feel like I could use the luck already, though. ;) Come on February DDC! :D


  • @BensMama Aww! Good Luck!! :) Thats a whole week to wait... >.< eek lol
  • @praying4our3rd Haha! It's a deal! I should warn you, she's a real big b****, though. ;) And thank you!
    @mommyofangels thank you! It's a busy week, so hopefully it flies and I stay plenty distracted!
  • I can't wait for you! September is really not that far away, especially with the wedding happening first - your time is gonna fly! I'm not sure about my edd... based on my last af, I think it's Feb 18, but I usually o anywhere from cd10 - 15, and cm would suggest it happened in that range, so 12-18th I think.
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  • Good luck mama :) crossing fingers for u
  • @seifer12211 thanks a bunch!
    @praying4our3rd oh, I'll be here! Hopefully not still ttc, though! Ahhh! ;)
  • I am sending u tons of luck and babydust!!!!! ;;)
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 thanks, friend! Where have you been?? I've missed seeing you! How's the new place and everything going?
  • @seifer12211 when's the big day??
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  • @bensmama june 24th :) hows ben's potty training coming along?
  • baby dust %%-
  • @seifer12211 pretty good! He's getting better about going pee on the potty - he doesn't usually have accidents, he can just hold it a long time. ;) The last several days in particular have been really good! Poop, not so much. He either waits for his pull-up (just for sleeping) or goes right in his undies... hopefully he'll get the hang of that part soon, too! Thanks for asking. :) June 24, Woohoo! Right around the corner!!! :D
  • edited June 2011
    @preggointx thanks, girl!
  • @bensmama glad its going pretty good :) he'll be a pro before ya know it! And yes I'm sooo ready lol
  • Good luck girl and lots of prayers and baby dust! How have you been feeling, any possible early symptoms?
  • @audra thank you!! It's hard to say. I have some symptoms that could be pregnancy related, but I could also explain them away with other things... random nausea, but my diet has been really bad lately. Exhausted, but I have a 2 year old and work full time and our calendar has been packed! Super emotional, but we have a lot of crap going on right now. My boobs have been sore sometimes, but I'm never sure if I'm just more aware of it when there's a chance for a BFP. Who knows?! Lol! I guess I'll find out soon enough!
  • Ahhh I haven't written back! LOL I'm doing better this week has been better as far our relationship and we LOVE the new place! The neighborhood is beautiful so we're very happy. :) now time to start "connecting" again! Haha how is it going girl?!?! Missed ya with all the craziness back home going on I haven't been on much!!
  • Oh those sound like good signs, I can't wait to find out what happens:-)
  • @audra they certainly could be, but I'm not putting too much weight in them. I can't wait to find out for sure, too! I'm just feeling good about whatever happens this month (finally!) So I'm much more relaxed about the whole thing - which I'm loving! How are you feeling?? How's the pregnancy going? You're about 8 weeks now?
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 I'm so happy to hear things are going better and you like your new place!! Yay! I'm sure the connecting and moving forward with your relationship will be easier and faster now that your in a new place and happy. When there's so much turmoil it seems like the first thing that takes a hit is our relationships with our men! I want to keep hearing good things from you!
  • @praying4our3rd lol! I love that comment! :D You are such a bad influence! Lol ;)
  • Oh and i feel like af is pulling the camper in the driveway, so I'm pretty sure it's going to be a disappointing bfn!
  • @praying4our3rd she is a bitch! Ugh, that sounds awful. Haha - you will be the first to know!
  • Well I hope you are! Then if I am our due dates would be super close! I tested this morning and still a no so I'm going to wait til next week and get a blood test. Two of the girls I work with started periods may 3&5 last month and mine was may 4th and they already started so technically I'm late. Another lady I work with has 4 kids and she took tests until she was 3 months along and it was a negative til then. So lots of hope and baby dust! (*)
  • Thanks @excitedtobe ! I hope you are, too!! I think I remember that you o'd late? If so, that would definitely affect getting your BFP! You may need to wait til a couple weeks after that to be able to get the BFP. (if I'm remembering right and that was you ;) ) Either way, good luck and baby dust to you, too!
  • Thanks girly :) has af showed up yet? I'm wanting to here good news... I sure feel my af coming on and although we didn't really baby dance and aren't trying I still get annoyed. Hahaha
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