failed my husband an my baby! advice plz
I started breastfeeding @ the hospital an everything went fine perfect latch an it didn't hurt. Its been two weeks since I brought him home an my nipples r so sore I gave in today an fed him an ounce of formula. My husband really wants me to breastfeed an I know its great for baby. I too want to breastfeed. Its just that every night baby just wants to fall asleep on my breast so he uses it as a pacifier. Every time i put him down he starts crying an wont take his paci he only wants the boob. He's also tongue-tied but the Dr says that's not affecting anything. The lactation consultant says it causes sore nipples. My husband says if its hurting u then don't worry everything will b fine if we switch to formula. I'm going to try a breast shield an talk to another consultant today. Any advice ladies???? Thanks
I have tried pumping but it messed up the milk supply for when he was ready to feed again @bri2186
@dadof2n1togo thanks
I know the cause is not from the latch BC I have seen multiple consultants an his Dr they all say its a great latch. Btw I have done this before I have two other boys. But none that where tongue tied. My oldest(4) didn't latch on so he was formula fed but had gerd. My middle boy(2) was breast fed for awhile til he got thrush an it gave me yeast on my nipples. He ended up with gerd as well.
@martinmommi3 if you aren't able to breast-feed don't feel like a bad mom, you are trying your very best and that's all you can do. Good luck, I hope that it all works out for you!