failed my husband an my baby! advice plz

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I started breastfeeding @ the hospital an everything went fine perfect latch an it didn't hurt. Its been two weeks since I brought him home an my nipples r so sore I gave in today an fed him an ounce of formula. My husband really wants me to breastfeed an I know its great for baby. I too want to breastfeed. Its just that every night baby just wants to fall asleep on my breast so he uses it as a pacifier. Every time i put him down he starts crying an wont take his paci he only wants the boob. He's also tongue-tied but the Dr says that's not affecting anything. The lactation consultant says it causes sore nipples. My husband says if its hurting u then don't worry everything will b fine if we switch to formula. I'm going to try a breast shield an talk to another consultant today. Any advice ladies???? Thanks


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  • Look into nipple shields. i know medela makes them. I have heard they can be life savers! I think the are like 10 bucks. I found some at our target. I am not due until July 4, but i have already invested in these just in case!
  • you should talk to his doctor again and ask to get is tongue untied its just a snip with scissors i belive
  • Just do what feels right and remember you're not letting anybody down. Sometimes things just happen. My wife was same with our daughter and then drowned our son with milk.
  • @proudmommy8789 I have talked to her she says he don't need it but I had Her call in an ENT for a second opinion (they r the ones who do the surgery) I'm waiting to hear from them could take months.

    I have tried pumping but it messed up the milk supply for when he was ready to feed again @bri2186

    @dadof2n1togo thanks
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  • do you know the number for the ent she called? you could also call around. i would be up the docs butt calling every other day! they would be sick of me but my baby comes first. in the months that it would take to get an answer your milk supply could dry up! i hope you get your answer soon! best of luck!!
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  • edited June 2011
    If you really want to breastfeed then don't give up. I felt the same way, but I remained persistent and was able to BF for 11 months. You have to just keep at it. The sore nipples could also be from an improper latch. Just try your best to use your nipple as the center of a bullseye to the babys mouth. It will hurt until it heals and you two get it right. You are both so early in breastfeeding it might take a little while longer to get it right. If you don't nurse and supplement with formula be sure to pump so you don't drop your production. To keep the baby awake, I would strip them down to diaper, tickle their feet, gently blow on their forehead, a room temp damp wash cloth and stroke their cheek. But, if it doesnt work for you two, then by all means stop and use formula or pump. Dont feel like a failure as you are only doing what's best for you both.
  • The lactation consultant in the hospital gave me a script for nipple ointment. It helps a lot.
  • The pediatrician that seen him n the hospital says it needs to b done asap an the just put a q tip with numbing meds on both sides of his tongue an snip. No putting him to sleep or nothing like that. I called every ent around me they said they need a referral an it will take months
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  • uuum i know its important to breastfeed, but if u can do it, u can do it if not, u shouldnt bee judges for that hun...that dosent mean ur a bad mother...
  • Does any1 have any home remedies I can try. I have lanolin an tried the olive oil.
    I know the cause is not from the latch BC I have seen multiple consultants an his Dr they all say its a great latch. Btw I have done this before I have two other boys. But none that where tongue tied. My oldest(4) didn't latch on so he was formula fed but had gerd. My middle boy(2) was breast fed for awhile til he got thrush an it gave me yeast on my nipples. He ended up with gerd as well.
  • I think thats selfish of your hubby! Obviously your going through alot and he should support any decision you make. Afterall, its not his boob or him waking up and falling asleep in all hours of the night with a baby latched to his nipple. Id tell my hubbs to get over it.
  • Sorry, what is "tongue-tied"?
  • I was tongue tied and they just numbed it and cut it when I was a baby. Although as an adult I am still tongue tied so not sure if it grew back or wasn't cut enough. I have considered getting it cut again. My niece got hers cut when she was a couple months old.
  • @surprisebaby its when the skin that attaches the tongue to the bottom of the mouth is really close to the tip of the tongue.
  • @redhead25 thanks!
    @martinmommi3 if you aren't able to breast-feed don't feel like a bad mom, you are trying your very best and that's all you can do. Good luck, I hope that it all works out for you! :)
  • @redhead25 how does it affect u now that ur an adult. They say it can affect speach French kissing licking an ice cream an eating. Thugs like that. But depends on how bad it is. I'm so afraid of making the wrong decision for my son. His Dr says he will grow out of it an he will b fine
  • @martinmommi3 I have no problems with speech. French kissing is harder. if I do it for long periods at a time the skin rubs my teeth and its really sore and irritated. I've never been told I was a bad kissed but after awhile it hurts. my son is also tongue tied but never had a problem eating or anything sp never worried about it. his speech is fine.
  • Back from drs they gave me a breast shield it worked great I hope I can keep breastfeeding ;;)
  • edited June 2011
    @redhead25 may I ask how old is ur son? The Doc told me it was hereditary but my neither side has had it that we know of. Did u have the option to cut ur sons an what made ur decision? Did u breastfeed?
  • Good luck! The breast shield worked well for me :-) just remember that babies have quite frequent growth spurts in the first few weeks, can make it seem like you are back to square one with breastfeeding but they just need more food to help them grow! Also I was told to hold off with the dummy till 5-6 weeks until breastfeeding was established and I used one as my son just seemed to use me as a soother! You are doing a great job for your son, keep your chin up you are giving him a great start in life!!
  • Try coconut oil it helps
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