Braxton Hicks already?!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I am prego with my third child...about 19 belly is the biggest it's been when I am prego...but I am already having BH contractions when I stand too long or walk around alot...anyone else have this or know have any wisdom?


  • Im 16 weeks and my belly is almost as big as it was at 30 wks with my 1st lol and ive already been having bh for a week or so if I stand up to fast or stand too long.
  • This is 3rd too. Do u knpw what you are having?
  • So good its not just me....i am afraid if I tell anyone they will think I am nuts seeing as I am only 18 weeks...if I walk too much I feel like he will wave at me with all of the pelvic pressure there is lol
  • It's completely normal. You have braxton hicks throughout your whole pregnancy, about every 20 minutes but you don't normally notice them till the end of the second trimester. Because you've been pregnant before, you'll recognise and realise what they are sooner. So it's all normal. :-)
  • I'm 26 weeks and had a few for the first time. This is our first baby so it scared the crap outta me
  • @momamar we are having a boy! We already have two chickies now so a boy was in demand. What about you?
  • What's a braxton hicks
  • Practice contractions, to prepare your body for labour but not strong enough for real labour. It's basically the tighten of the muscles of your uterus.
  • Im 28wks 4days and i keep gettin them bk to bk im due may2 wit a girl bt this my 2nd i have a boy he'll b 2 tomorrow bt my lil man is sick he has a fever n a cold,he's goin to b sick on his bday
  • Wat are braxton hick contractions???
    How to tel if ur having them...
    Im 32weeks so im shurr iv felt them but jst haven't noticed :)
  • They are when your belly gets real doesnt hurt...just a tightening feeling that comes and goes
  • We dont find out til the 21st, but I think its a boy :) we already have one of each
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