Frustration... venting

edited June 2011 in Teen moms
Im 19 and 34 weeks pregnant with a baby boy, and i am completely frustrated with the people in my age group why is it that people look down at me for being young and pregnant yet they are so completely idiotic and young. I might be pregnant but i have my life under control unlike most people my age, my child is not a mistake and i never regret getting pregnant, you do not know me or my situation so do not judge me cuz to be frank my life is better situated than most 19 year olds


  • And thats all you have to remember. I was that 19 yr old. With my first baby boy on the way :) He was the best oops ever :) Just try and let peoples comments roll off your shoulders.. I know easier said then done! But you have nothing to prove to any one, but you and that baby boy your carrying! Thats all that matters!
  • People are just very quick to judge. Your child is definitely not a mistake, people just see a teen mom and often jump to conclusions. It's simply ignorance. I'm not a teen mother but I do look like one and it makes me wanna punch people in the face when I get dirty looks from them. No one knows anothers situation so ignore the ignorance. Or tell em to go fly a kite! :)
  • thanks for the support ladies; i tell ppl all the time my son is not a mistake hes a miracle since i was never suppose to have children to begin with, alot girls look at me and call me a slut but ive only had sex with one person and its with the man i love, a man who fully supports me and my child and he couldnt make me happier, i just wish ppl could mature quicker so i wouldnt have to put up with their stupidity
  • You're very welcome. And the calling you a slut thing is just jealousy. Have they been in your bed? I wouldn't think so, so how would they know! But just take care of yourself and that precious boy you've been given
  • It their problem. I was 18/19 with #1... had been married for 1+year and still the looks!!! I still get them when were out... Cuz i look about 21 (maybe!) And he's 5 but looks 8.... you'll start to ignore it but i know it sucks.... IM sorry!!!!
  • Pay them no attention. I am living proof that teen moms can be fantastic mothers. I was 15 when I got pregnant, delivered my oldest child; a girl; 2 months after my 16th birthday. She is now a happy, healthy, smart, loving, beautiful 11 1/2 year old preteen who I couldn't be more proud of. I have raised & supported her from day one, never had anyones help (besides being married at the time) but I didn't go party. I was a wife & mom. I am a strong believer whether you are 15 or you're 45, if you're not cut out to be a parent it doesn't make a difference what your age is. Hold your head up high, be proud. You can do this, you'll be fantastic. It doesn't effect anyone else, until they're paying your bills, raising your child & sharing your bed they have no room to say a word. They can go kick rocks. For the record, I was 19 with my 2nd child, 21 with my 3rd, almost 26 with my 4th. Will be almost 28 when I have this one. I am rooting for you. Hang in there!
  • Thanks so much ladies u have definitely brought up my morale. I havent had a real friend since I graduated HS eveyone wanted to party while I wsnted to settle down with the man I loved, I couldnt b more blessed im gettn married in july I live in a great house and I have love and support I couldnt ask for anything else but it doed suck that ppl try to bring me down for having them I try to ignore them the best I can but with these prego hormones it gets a little hard
  • Trust me I know how you feel im 21 but I look more like a 14 year old and I hate the way some ppl may look at me. Even when I go to the drs the nurse will be like the little girl is here for here visit. And I hate it. My bd and I are both in the navy and i feel as if ppl my age r very immature. But you just have to let the negative comments and looks fly by u because you r gonna have a beautiful baby boy and they have nothing to do with ur life they r just outsiders looking in. they dont matter.
  • I"m 21 so im not as young as you but i look about 16-18 so i get alot of looks especially when me and my bfs almost 4 year old are out and about cuz then they think im a teen mom workin on her second baby and it irks me to no end cuz i have more respect for the teen/young moms that keep or adopt there babies out then those who just decide abortion without lookin at all options. (not tryin to start drama with the abortion comment just my personal opininon)
  • Yes, im 16 as well, will be delivering a few months after I turn 17, I don't think my name has ever been such a popular subject, but just think of it this way, people are just making you more and more famous with their jealousy. It took me a while to coap.. but now, I have my head held high, and cannot wait to meet my princess <3
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