Advice Please! not thinking clearly...

So I found out tonight that my baby's father is back with his ex wife. He left me and I haven't heard from him in almost 6 weeks and have no way to get in touch with him directly. I am almost certain that she knows nothing of my pregnancy. Should I message her and let her know or leave it alone? I found her on fb tonight and was so tempted to give her a heads up but was way too hurt and upset to think clearly. The other option would be to leave it alone and wait for child support services to show up at their door to swab his mouth...I need advice. I'm so hurt right now.


  • I would wait for the child support to show up! Cause if she doesnt know right now she might start drama. And you dont need extra stress while pregnant.
  • True. It just makes me so mad that he can just bounce out and leave me with nothing and go back to her and his daughter and act like I'm not pregnant.
  • Tough one. She definitely deserves to know and while I don't know what your relationship was like he seems like a scumbag to just disappear like that, especially not even giving you the courtesy of telling you "hey I'm back/getting back with my ex" but again you don't need added stress. Since you just found out, id definitely give it a few days to think about.
  • I know its hard but wait it out. He will get his in the end. U really don't know how she's gonna react n it will just look like ur jealous cuz he's not with u anymore so it gonna run n tell
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