First time mommy...and scared

edited February 2011 in First time moms
So I just found out I'm pregnant and I'm really scared and happy at the same first obgyn appt is feb 15th...the reason I'm scared is cause on nov. 13th 2009 I had a miscarriage right after I saw the babies heart beat and I'm just hoping that won't happen again...I believe if everything goes good I well be due in september :)


  • Oh im sorry hun. Im scared too this is my first and im always worried that something happen to my baby. I juz turn 18weeks today this site said im 19weeks but the ultrasound said im 18. How about u? I hope u can keep ur baby. Good luck and congratz! :) :)
  • Thanks and I think I will be fine my hubby is being really supportive and helping me threw everything....I think I'm only 6 weeks but this thing said 8...I won't know til the 15th that is when I meet my doctor :)....I hope everything thing goes good for both of us :) congratz to you also hun
  • Thank u.
    Im glad ur husband is being supportive.
  • Yes I'm only 5weeks and it's telling me 7
  • Just because u had one mc doesnt mean it will happen again. Try to relax. That fear will never go away but try to think positive... congrats.
  • @Congrats!! We just found out yesterday that I'm pregnant. I'm about 4 weeks, and like you I'm also scared I also had a miscarriage last year. But we are trying to stay positive and we have faith that things will work out. We have been married for almost 3 years now and we want to have a baby soooo bad. Hang in there keep your hopes up.
  • Thanks nerves are a lot leas just being able to talk to others like and my hubby want this baby so bad :) congrats to all of ya
  • Thanks nerves are a lot leas just being able to talk to others like and my hubby want this baby so bad :) congrats to all of ya
  • I'm more nervous than scared, for many reasons the labor pain and contractions would my baby b safe coming out but I'm a first time mother so lil
  • i'm first time mommy too and getting super nervous about labor eventhough im just 25 wks but i already want to have my baby girl :-D
  • Im about 5 weeks n im so n the daddy r not together but he is still there for me n he is so happy i found out today (what a v-day gift) im happy to but really scared. I will hear the first heartbeat on feb 22 n due 10\18 im just happy he is there for me
  • Im a first time mama and im very very scared of labor and stuff! i had my first ultrasound last week! that was amazing! im 11weeks!!!!!
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