Baby Shower Game Idea

edited June 2011 in Baby showers
The name of the game is "Winner Takes All". Each guest pays $1 or $2 (the amount is up to you) to be entered into a raffle. Enter the guests name into a hat and whoevers name is drawn wins. Here is the twist, the guests are to believe that whoever wins, gets the money and it is up to them if they want to split the money with the mommy-to-be. When they get up to claim their prize (money) they are handed a container of All. Of course this will leave them baffled because they are expecting to win the money that was collected for the raffle. You simply state "winner takes ALL, get it" and hand them the container of All. The money that was collected for the raffle goes to the mommy-to-be.


  • It's cute but make sure the guests have good senses of humor or there might be some hurt feelings.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Honestly id be annoyed and feel it was sneaky.
  • We are doing a diaper raffle they get an entry for every pack of diapers or wipes they bring (not as a gift) the winner gets dinner for 2 at a nice place to eat
  • One of my favorite baby shower games is "Smell the Diaper"...
    You melt Mini candy bars and pour them into diapers...let each of the guests smell the diaper and try to guess what type of candy it is...the person with the most correct guesses wins (a prize of your choice).
    It's a little gross, but it's a lot of fun...and everyone usually can't help but laughing!!
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