Manual or electric.....

Breast pump????

Which one


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  • Are you going back to work or are you staying home??? If you will be using your pump a lot, going back to work or pumping only instead of nursing, I would get a double electric breast pump! If you are only going to be pumping to help relieve engorgement or occasionally then a manual one might do the job. I found setting up my double electric just to pump a little extra milk off took more time then just using the manual adapter I also had.
  • I've used both I hated the manual one didn't work as well and made my hand and wrist sore
  • @homebirthadvocate I would TRY to use it often

    @camommy and @jbandno3 thanx for the info
  • Manual took me foreverrr.
    And my hand and wrist would be so sore.
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  • Evenflo makes one for 70 bucks. Double electric and a travel manual. I looooooooove it it worked great with my last pregnancy
  • I say electric it's already hard using one I can only imagine hoe much harder it would be using a manual one
  • Double electric no matter if you're going to work or not. Either way you're going to be exhausted, might as well take the faster easier way out.
  • How much harder lol stupid phone
  • With my daughter I had one I could plug in or use with battries
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