This Is harder than I thought..(vent)

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I was excited when I found out me and my husband were expecting, and I was hoping I would have a job before I became bigger than a house, but it has been a rough ride..My belly is getting bigger, and More job opportunities are becoming available, but Im not having any luck.I have been job hunting like crazy! Online, in belly is huge and I am only 24 weeks..I had an interview today :)and was so excited for the last few days but then got pretty upset when I realized I couldn't hide my bump.:/ if 10 people are going for the same position, why in the world would they hire my big ass? Lbvs! I have been mainly job hunting in hopes of a position after my little man arrives..Have any of you women gotten hired while being huge in the front? Or did you cover it up? And how? For mothers not working, what do you do during your time at home? My husband insists I relax since I receive unemployment but I enjoy being around other people, and making my own money, going shopping when I want to go,ect..he works a great job and the pay is great, and I understand that we are married and it is great that he brings home the money, I just miss my independence.. :-(


  • Try selling Avon. You get your own website and can make tons of money. My sil got me into selling it and i love it. Go to and sign up
  • With avon they give u the starter pack im sure .. amd u take home commission on what u sell i.e if its a pound u get ten twenty p or something but if ur like me and my fam and friends my mum takes in orders of upto £100 of one person lol so sometimes she will make around £100 all in all it is alright id do it but im not old enough :-\
  • @praying4our3rd I also have other children, boys ages 5 and 6, they keep me pretty busy
    while they were in school, it was pretty boring around the house, school is out now, but my mother always wants to keep them a few times a week, and my husband works thirds, so he sleeps all day..its pretty lonely..I will try some of the things that you recommended..thanks
  • If your just needing to be around people and don't really need the money id wait on a job until after baby is born. There are a lot of things you can do to get out of the house. Look around your community find something you are passionate about and volunteer. There is always avon mary kay and a bunch of things along those lines. I know someone who does passion parties which has adult items and toys. Good luck I hope you find something. I can't wait to take time off I'm huge and can almost not fit up to the shampoo bowl anymore
  • edited June 2011
    @camommy volunteering is a great idea! I will look into that..
    @pryaying4our3rd those are great ideas, my children would go wild if I let them choose an activiity to do for our day :) Cloud watching would be fun :)

  • I have $600 orders with Avon. I also make more money when i have people host Avon parties. I only paid $10 for my startup kit.
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