Dr. appt today :(

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
So my due date is Monday. I'm effacing, but not dilating AT ALL and baby is high. My Dr started talking about inducing or doing a C-Section, but not until a week and a half AFTER my due date. Do you think there's a chance I could go into labor on my own still?


  • @praying4our3rd
    Was that your first? I keep bring told, "oh, it's your first baby.. You always go over your due date with your first"
  • of course! have some faith. Do some walking and baby dance a lot :) some women don't drop until they are in labor. i dropped with my son 5 wks before he came into this world. so there is a great possibility. not to mention you can dilate in hours. so try to relax and let your body take over!
  • My doctor with my first induced me at 41 weeks. She wouldn't let me go over that. I was only dialated to 1cm at 41 weeks.
  • Our body is meant for this, of course it will go into labor on its own.
  • edited June 2011
    Thanks everyone. I'm seriously stressing over this entire situation... I'm a type A personality and usually plan everything in my life and not knowing when this could happen is killing me. Plus my brother is coming into town for 3 days to see the baby on the 18, I don't even know if she'll be born by then and he paid for plane tickets for his whole family to come. Plus my sister in law is having a baby shower on the 25 and everyone in my husband's family is expecting us to bring her to meet the family, but I don't want her to be too little on a 2 hour road trip. And lastly, my supervisor is pressuring me to take maternity leave, which I wouldn't hate at this point because the 12 hour shifts are hell, but I don't wanna waste my leave time without baby here!
  • I hear ya. I'm due today, and no baby. I'm only 50% effaced, now 2 centimeters dialted, and baby is so high up. I have an appointment today to see if they'll try other induction methods. My MIL has a plane ticket home on June 14, and My Mon has a ticket here on June 20, an I have no idea if she will be here by then. Sigh. Hang in there @SOSmommy, we can do this! Lots of baby dust to us! Please keep me updated!
  • My doctor induced me at 39 weeks with my first.. Its weird how they have diff policies at each place.
  • @EiralynnesMommy
    It seems a little ridiculous that we're worried about things like this, but I mean, people have made plans out of their busy lives for us and I don't wanna let them down, you know?

    My Dr has no prob inducing me, but ONLY if I'm dilated. Even a centimeter... But I'm not. :(
  • I didn't dilate at all. I was just 50% effaced by 39 wks! But my baby was measuring over 9 lbs so I had to get a c section due to my narrow pelvis.

    I hope u just go into labor naturally though. Which there is a good chance you could. I've heard of lots of people who weren't dilated and went into full blown labor the same day! So just don't give up and try to get as much sleep as you can!
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