Dr. appt today :(
So my due date is Monday. I'm effacing, but not dilating AT ALL and baby is high. My Dr started talking about inducing or doing a C-Section, but not until a week and a half AFTER my due date. Do you think there's a chance I could go into labor on my own still?
Was that your first? I keep bring told, "oh, it's your first baby.. You always go over your due date with your first"
It seems a little ridiculous that we're worried about things like this, but I mean, people have made plans out of their busy lives for us and I don't wanna let them down, you know?
My Dr has no prob inducing me, but ONLY if I'm dilated. Even a centimeter... But I'm not.
I hope u just go into labor naturally though. Which there is a good chance you could. I've heard of lots of people who weren't dilated and went into full blown labor the same day! So just don't give up and try to get as much sleep as you can!