
edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Who drinks coffee still? Why or Why not? Just wondering..


  • I still do. Iced coffee lol I just try to drink decaf once in a while.
  • I'm staying away from it bc my body can't handle it very well. My heart races and sometimes I get lightheaded. Was @ dr's today they said coffee gives you a very fast "high" whereas the caffeine in tea is a more gradual rise. So I'll stick with my iced tea for now :-)
  • Since my bf works at Starbucks, which is awesome. I usually get a free mocha frapp when he gets off.. this is mostly everyday, but only once in a day.
  • I had one ice coffee the entire pregnancy and one mountain dew....caffine is ok in moderation they say I just try to avoid it all together cuuz I'm so paranoid
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  • i mostly drink decaf, but once in a while ill sneak in a small regular coffee.... i know some say its bad... i dont even drink regular or diet soda... only caffine free...
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  • @everyone ... I drink one regular cup in the morning..but if I drink it to fast I get sick but if I don't drink it I get a headache! Then when I go to work around 5pm ill Have a iced coffee. With my other 3 kids I was able to cut it our but this time its hard!
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  • My Dr said as long as I'm not drinking a gallon a day I'm good..what does everyone's Dr say?
  • I drink coffee cause its yummy. Also the stuff at work is just a higher quality instant so its not to bad on the caffeine numbers
  • @everyone why exactly is it so bad again????
  • I know it causes low birth weight if you have to much @billysgirly. My Dr is worried about my having a big baby because my last baby was 11lbs
  • edited June 2011
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  • My midwife said I can have 12 ounces a day, a short size at starbucks is 10 oz . So I get the short size half filled and I fill the other hafl with milk so its about 5 ounces a couple of times a week. If I don't have caffiene I get a migraine. Moderation is key
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  • II gave up coffee and soda! I still drink tea occasionally. I was so addicted to caffeine and with my first I drink it until the day she was born..who knows maybe that's why she was early
  • @uncaddeniated_katie.... I plan to start drinking my coffee everyday after my little man is born.

    I gave up coffee and caffine in general when I found out I was pregnant. I have had one coffee drink since I have been pregnant. I did the same thing with my other two children too. But the firs drink I will have after birth will be an iced coffee.
  • I have three or four cups per week. I avoided it during my first trimester, though.
  • I noticed a significant change in my overall demeanor when i cut out caffeine. I mean like pop n my 2 cups of coffee daily. I completely mellowed out. I'm not as stressed anymore. So i miss feeling like I can do 10 things at once and also knowing how to get a quick wake up call.. but that was a huge deal cuz my job is high stress.
    I still enjoy decaf coffee though for sure.
  • I do. I got a little nervous about it and called my doc office and spoke with the nurse and she said she has seen moms quit caffiene and moms who have double the reccommended amount and it can go either way. Just make sure you have more clear fluid than coffee and/or soda
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