will he ever come out

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
I wnt my lil man and I want him now! So sick of being pregnant I'm turning mean lol no seriously I never went into labor w my first and I want to t4y the vbac but I only have two weeks if he doesnt come before then I have to do another c section I been walking a lot and swimming a lot and I mean a lot been eating pineapple and kiwis cause I read that its good fotyour cervix any one have any suggestions ?


  • I've heard a number of different things that are supposed to help you go into labor, but they work for some women and not for others. Sexual intercourse and nipple stimulation are two of the most popular ones that I've heard; staying really active is another. One lady said something, one time, about walking up and down the steps sideways...I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but I guess anything's worth a shot.
    Good Luck!
  • Yup. What goes in must come out...although what went in was A LOT smaller than what's comin out! EVERYONE seems to advise walking and sex. Don't know if they really work but at least they're not things that would harm your baby. Good luck!
  • @pebblesmommy lol I lyk that well unfortunately sex often is not an option :( o well guess ill keep doin what I'm doin!
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