Babyshower game prizes

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So my prizes r going to be $25 visa gift cards. We're playing one game throughout the whole shower. I feel that game prize should be a lil bigger. The thing is I don't think I want to do a $50 card. So I got a $25 but I need something to go along with it. Do u ladies have any ideas what I could do?? NOTE: This is a unisex shower


  • I did scratch offs..... Candles......n cnt member wat else lol the gift card is nice no need tu do 50 dollars I cud do like lotions hand sNitizer.... Its needed....
  • Scratch offs r a good idea with the gift card for tge bigger prize. Hopefully they win something lol
  • I did gift cards, candle sets, and little baby items.
  • I'm doing a diaper raffle and in hopes of getting LOTS of diapers I bought a used wii with some games for $80. I also traded my old droid phones w/ bad esns for a xbox 360! They dont know about the xbox, Its the mystery surprise. In order to try to win the wii they must bring two boxes of diapers. :D

    Anybody will trade/sell stuff on Craigslist.
  • You could do Mason jars filled with ingredients to make cookies. Google it. Thats quick, cheap n easy. I wouldn't mind that as a small prize.
  • @hurstk28 what kinda baby items?
    @leggs2011 that's a great idea!!! But most of the people coming r older and those things don't interest them lol
  • @alilboulding thats cute and if s guy wind it he could have his gf or wife bake them for him
  • Darn old people and not having fun! haha.. Then candles it is.. Or velcro shoes. lol jp.. How old?

    Or just bake cookies :) Mm
  • @leggs2011 well my bf is in his 40's so most of his friends and fam r too or older lol I'm not having 2 many friends mostly fam and they r older as well.
  • I got bath and body works sets instead of gift cards I might do one gift card for the don't cross anything game but it won't exceed 25 dollars
  • Like bibs, pacifiers, bottles. They turned around and gave them back to me as gifts.
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  • @lmelanson: i love that idea.
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  • Those r great r ideas if it were only women I have a bunch of men there prob more men then women I think a lil weird now that I think of it
  • Well if its mainly guys then get them.. shit idk..what do 40 yr old and up men like?? Lol. All I can picture is tools, hunting and fishing.. oh and dirty porn. O_o
  • I went to Ross and got lotions and bath sets fir like 4-6$ each so it was pretty cheep
  • @leggs2011 porn!! Love it!! Lol but its guys and girls and most girls don't like porn (weirdos)
    @momof22be I keep hearing u ladies talk about Ross but idk what that is its prob not in my area.
  • Ross is the same as marshells and max 10. :) they have lil gadgits here and there for cheap
  • edited June 2011
    tjmax not max 10
  • @leggs2011 ok that's what I thought but I've never seen one
  • You've never seen a ross or any of them?
  • @leggs2011 just Ross i live at marshalls lol
  • Ahh ok. Well Good. Love their summer dresses :)
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