Bro in law GO HOME..Rant and advice wanted
Ok so my husband has his Half brother visiting us in our home. He is from Texas and still young, no kids, not married just 22 years old. So the whole family life style I guess you would call it is something he doesnt understand. My husband keeps telling me that things will be back to normal when he goes back home, ok well he has been here since May 24th and doesnt leave until june 24th!!! I go to work and my husband, who lost his job (economy stinks), it at home with the kids. So during the day he has all the time in the world to spend time with and get to know his long lost half brother. When I come home after an 8 hour day at work nd a total of 2 1/2 hours communting to and from work I would like a little time with my husband and kids! Not have my husband spend it all with his brother! Plus I am the one now getting the kids to bed at night and up in the morning! So to top it all off I go to bed at night and my husband cant even come to bed with me, and I have been trying to even staty up lter just to get that little extra time (possibly) with my husband! What do I do?? I do not want to seem like the bitchy wife that complains I do not get any attention but that is how I am feeling! Just today even he called me at work, only because I had called me 2 hours prior and he didnt answer, so I talked to him for about 3 - 5 minutes, told him let me call you right back I am going to clock out for lunch and I will call you back, he tells me well let me eat my lunch first then I will call you!! I have an hour for lunch after 35 minutes with no call I sent him a text message, NOTHING again after another few minutes I sent him another one he sends back SORRY, but yet doesnt call!!! I finally c all him about 10 minutes before I have to go back to work and he again says sorry and then I tell him I love him and in the background his brother laughs and I can hear they are playing video games AGAIN! Hebarely even notices I am on the phone I tell him I am going back to work he says ok love you, not I LOVE YOU and then starts giggling and going on talking to his brother about the damn game, I told him bye and then he asks if I was ok, I said sure and hung up.!! Am I being the bitchy wife or do I have a legitimate gripe?