Can i get WIC short term???

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
This is my first pregnancy so I'm clueless on this subject. I'll be taking a maternity leave for 8-10 weeks but it's going to be unpaid because I didn't sign up for short term disability when I was hired...and they wont let me sign up till open enrollment which is October. Twins are due in September. Question is can I get WIC/Medicaid just for the 10 weeks I'll be without a paycheck? Hubby is trying to find a job and receiving unemployment.


  • yes. well they set you up for 3 months at a time. if you dont want it after that, just dont go to the next appointment.
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  • just dont tell them its temporary. Just apply, and go through the process. Medicaid will/should cover you if you dont have insurance, and the babies after they are born.
  • Hhmmm...that may be where I may run into some problems. I've got Blue cross blue shield insurance and it'll be active through this maternity leave. I just need help w/ formula,food, etc. Thank you ladies for the input ;) I'll apply and see what happens.
  • I know when we applied when my husband lost his job last time, we had to wait 4 weeks, because they count your check stubs 6 weeks back. You may not qualify for it until your leave is almost over. We didn't qualify anyway, because he made to much on unemployment.
  • yes let them no u r out of work
  • Even if you have insurance.. you may still qualify.. you dont have monetary income besides his unemp right? How much unemp does he get (not to be nosey) before taxes? Or maybe not even mention him, or being married if you dont have to, or if they dont ask. (?)

    Girl, it never hurts to go there and ask questions and/or apply.
  • In Tn medicaid and WIC are done at two different places. I have private insurance and got medicaid based on income. I was approved the same day i went in because i was pregnant. WIC you automtically qualify for because you are pregnant.
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  • @hurstk8 thats how it was for me in tx, applied for medicaid and got it immediatly.. now in ny, i applied and have to wait 30-45 days.. ugh I dont get it, im still pregnant!
  • I have blue cross preferred and I still qualify for wic. Wic had nothing to do with your health care but how much money you make and with you having twins you alway count for a family of 4 so you'd have to make more than $41,348 a year to not qualify or $3,446 a month, before taxes.
  • ohh, good point.. I didnt even think about having twins vs a single baby counting as an extra person.
  • I'm still working; going to until my doc says to stop lol...trying to save $$ for these twins. I'm in GA, I have no clue how long u have to wait...hopefully not 6 weeks!! All I need is WIC then. Thanks ladies for explaining it to me, I was in the dark lol.
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