Had ultrasound found out its a boy then...

edited June 2011 in October 2011
Went shopping :-) I went window shopping the other day and saw the pack and play I wanted for 80 but it was boyish so I had to make sure before I bought. Then I got a few outfits and a bouncer. Yeah I went a little over bored but I have been waiting 20 weeks so I gotta make up for lost time


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  • I just found out mine's a girl today and I want to go shopping so bad!!
  • @lil_biggie_3 you need to get on the ball lol
    @laura536 come on go shopping it was so fun
    But really except for little things like creams and washes Im just about set for the first 2 months. I have a bed, clothes, diapers and boobies
  • ooo, I'm going tomorrow, lol!! The only bad thing about it being a girl is that I still have most of my daughter's things, so I don't have a lot of fun new stuff to buy!
  • Good that you get to save money, but shopping for everything is so much fun. Or you can get her some really over the top things since you already have the big stuff @laura536
  • lol, I was just thinking that! Now I can buy all that crazy stuff she'll only wear once! I have to dig out my baby clothes and see what's going to work...that's going to be a job and a half...when does nesting kick in?? LOL!
  • For me at about 2 months lol I scrub dayly but I'm a SAHM to be so that's all I have to do. Also I'm giving my boyfriend another 2 weeks to go though his stuff or I will and he will have a whole lot less @laura536
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