embarrassing question..

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So has anyone developed any external hemmroids around their bum?? :-S im like pretty sure thats what it is, and i had mentioned it to the dr n she said yeah i didnt see any when i checked me to see if i was dialated. and i was like umm its bcits only on my butt lol and she didnt recheck but said that its normal durin pregnancy to get them. I had internal ones prior to bein pregnant but none visable like now. But i can feel them its like 2, and they dont hurt tho which i thought was odd?? Anyone else w this issue??


  • nope but u can buy cream over the counter ask the chemist
  • yep and i hate it.. ugh.. just get some cream it really helps with the swelling and prevents any ichiness.. the sweet things we go through for out lil ones.. this is one of those things i wish my man had to deal with.. lol.. i wish hemroids on him.. hahahhah
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